Monday, January 14, 2008

Collage A Day

The Etsy seller Magic Jelly started a flickr group called Collage A Day and issued the collage a day challenge where you make a collage every day for 30 days ( a lot of participants are spending no more than 30 minutes per collage... Mine might take longer! I'm new to collages!)

I decided to give it a try, since I am going to be opening my new shop Elegant Snobbery sometime this week (yay!) and all my work has been illustrated mixed media collages. I am having so much fun drawing my snob collages which I will post for you all to see soon, but I have also discovered the world of ACEOs (Art Card Editions and Originals-- or trading cards for artists, which are only 2.5 in. by 3.5 in. in size).

Anyway, I hope you like my first Collage A Day contribution, which is the little ACEO shown above and called The Frog King. He is a mix of colored pencil, ink and drawing pencil, all collaged together on drawing paper and bristol board.


  1. Wow, I'm very impressed. That collage/ACEO is so creative!

    (Oh, and I love frogs :-)
