Thursday, April 3, 2008

Illustration Friday: Homage

I discovered something called Illustration Friday this past week. I'm surprised I hadn't discovered it before, as it is a wonderful way for artist to come together, be inspired and show off their work. Every Friday a theme is posted and artists far and wide create pieces to fit the weekly theme. I hadn't planned on entering this week, as I only just discovered the IF site, but I thought about the theme for the week, Homage, and I knew just who I wanted to pay homage to.

My husband Will is my rock. He is my number one. He loves me and supports me and never lets a day go by without making sure I know it. With every harebrained scheme I come up with, Will is right beside me. For every disaster that befalls me, Will is holding my hand. For every joy that I have celebrated, Will busts out the champagne. And for all the day to day mundane activities... well, Will is usually on the couch watching TV. But the point is, he is there. Always there for me, always rooting me on.

I know Will and I are not technically rabbits. We are people. Trust me on that. But we like to joke around about the fact that, in the three years we have been married, we already have two babies. Like rabbits. So, while the illustration is simply sweet.... it definitely represents us as a married couple!! Plus, he has a small and cute nose, and mine is much bigger. Guess which rabbit is me!!

This picture is colored pencil on Strathmore drawing paper, collaged onto acrylic painted vintage sheet music.


  1. I really love your work. Very nice! :)

  2. Welcome to IF! I love your entry and technique it's a very beautiful illo. :O)


  3. awww...this is so sweet. This is a great drawing too!

  4. Admit it - you're a closet rabbit!

    I love it. :)

  5. hehhe. this is really nice. :)
    and welcome! :)

  6. Cute! Love all your brilliant illustrations here and love especially colors you use. Great blog!

  7. I love how you illustrate and tell a story about how you and your hubby are just a couple of rabbits. You are getting more talented everyday - lovely piece Marissa!!!

  8. really nice. Now I have to see the rest of your blog!!

  9. Wonderful! I love it :o)


  10. What a wonderful drawing for illustration Friday!! :) How do you do it?! How do you keep up your art and inspiration with the little ones? You'll have to teach me your ways for my future! Have any tips?

  11. Such a sweet illustration. Thank you for directing FAM here to check it out!!! :)

  12. I always forget about IF, until I read about it on someone else's blog. They always have great topics though and a few times I've just gone back through their archives and made things. I get some great pieces from that. : )

  13. lovely illustration, I look forward to seeing more :)

  14. I really love Illustration Friday. I'm not an illustrator but I love to take the themes and use them for inspiration with my jewelry. Your drawing is just so sweet!

  15. So sweet! Your style is so soft and airy. I can tell that these are not the type of bunnies to take someone's garden produce without asking. Great work!

  16. They are two cute rabbits..adorable.
    Just loved your blog..

  17. How adorable, just love the sentiment and the illustration to go with it. Great technique.

  18. They're so sweet! I love the music sheet background.

  19. Oooh I love the music collage! Adorable!

    So do you have a fluffy tail?


  20. Absolutely beautiful! You are so talented

  21. "Ignore the mess and enjoy the laughter"...I need to remind myself of that! Adorable pictures :)

  22. This is gorgeous! Another fabulous piece!

  23. that is so gorgeous!
