Monday, November 17, 2008

MIA - A NaNoWriMo Update

Vintage Typewriter Back Space Key Pendant

Whoooo boy, I'm exhausted.

I haven't been blogging quite as often as usual in the past two weeks. Besides being sick for a week, I have been type, type, typing away as I try to reach my goal of 50,000 words for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).

Last night, I was bent over my lap top until 3 am, only to be woken up this morning by the girls at 7 am -- about an hour or two earlier than they usually wake me. Thank goodness for coffee. I'm pretty stinkin' lucky to have girls that sleep in most days, not to mention a hubby who let me snooze until noon yesterday, as I recuperated from another typing-until-3 am jag. I love Sundays!

At the moment, I'm at 31,625 words. Only 18,375 more to go before I reach the goal, which is not too shabby, considering that I didn't type at all while I was sick last week.

Unfortunately, even if I reach my goal in the next two weeks, I don't get the coveted NaNoWriMo certificate. Why? you ask

Because in my excitement to get started, I began 3 days early and had 8,000 words under my belt by the 1st of November.

Ah, well, that's fine. I'm just proud of myself for actually getting this done. Not to mention LOVING IT!

Other NaNoWriMo-ers out there, good luck as you reach your goal! Half a month left, and it is definitely do-able!



  1. I LUV LUV and I LOVE that you are writing - along with your drawing@!!!!! I KNOW you can put something REALLY great out and I can't wait to buy it and BRAG about knowing you!!!!

  2. Wow! That's amazing! Something I've always wanted to do and have never made time for you. Congrats for prioritizing it.

  3. so...write 58,000 words and then you can get the certificate, no? ;) BTW, I'm dying of curiosity about your novel!

  4. Where do you find the time to do all that you do woman? Are the days longer over there in Texas??

    Congrats!! Now get it published and send me a signed copy so that when your novel is a best seller I can say - "Hey,I know Marisa and have 2 of her prints hung up in my kids rooms and a card I bought from her but found too lovely to send framed and hung up in my bedroom."

  5. I'm going to have to check this out... sounds interesting! Good luck on your goal!!

  6. Hey there!

    I'm kinda dropping by randomly (from your link on my blog!) to tell you about this new selling site I found. It's called & you should check it out.

    It's still really, really new (still in beta) but it's heading in a really good direction! They are already buying advertising online & in print magazines (Craft Magazine's back cover) & to bring in traffic to the site. (It's already got almost as much traffic as from what I understand!)

    It's got stats for shop views so you know where your customers are coming from! I know! Gasp! Faint! Right? hehe

    & it's just $7 a month (for the first 5000 artists) to list & sell as much as you can FOREVER. $7 a month no matter what! I signed up on that alone! haha

    Anyhoo, it is new so there aren't zillions of people using it (which is good & bad) but I thought you might want to take a look at it. With the ad campaign they are working on kicking in soon (or so they are saying), I think it's going to be a good place to start listing!

    If you sign up, give me a yell & let me know what you think!


    P.S. I'm off to show your shop some heart love! It's freaking adorable from the looks of the mini!

  7. Thats amazing! And not to mention thats another thing we have in common. I myself though am a failed writer, as in never ever do it anymore!!;p

  8. you are amazing! it stinks you won't get the recognition though :(

    if you want to do some more work, i've tagged you lol (but don't feel obliged)!

  9. Wow, you GO!!! I've always said I'm going to write more, but then somehow I never get around to doing it.

  10. Lots of luck to you..Sorry to hear you were sick..will keep checking in to see how things are..
