Thursday, January 8, 2009

Inventory Reduction - Half Price Sale!

About six months ago, I changed my print paper from a lovely, sturdy matte, to an even heavier glossy paper. The color of the old matte prints were just as vibrant and bold as my prints are now, and look exactly like my glossy prints as only the surface texture is different. I only switched to gloss because I tend to like shiny prints -- though inside a frame, behind glass, there really isn't much of a difference.

The conclusion to my story... I have been holding onto a large pile of matte paper prints that I just have not known what to do with! I asked around the Etsy forums for print de-stash advice and was given the wonderful suggestions to donate some to schools and libraries, as well as offer them in my shop at a reduced price. So I am!

For a very limited time - because once they are sold, they will not be offered again - select matte paper prints will be offered at HALF the price. You can see some of the prints I have in shop, in the images above. Most of them are 8 x 10 prints, but there are also a few 11 x 14 prints available as well. To see them all {CLICK HERE}

I'll be listing them throughout the day, so be sure to visit Elegant Snobbery. Enjoy the lovely half-price while you can!



  1. I had to snag Jenny the sock monkey because my little girl's room is pink and black. And she adores monkeys :) Thanks! I'm excited to see it!

  2. Ohhh, I'm off to look. I love your work.

  3. ♥ I love your cuteness ♥. Hope I'm not too late!

  4. LOve Love sales and your work is amazing. My daughter is going to love her snobs! =D
