Monday, April 27, 2009

A Gift to Cherish Always...

My big brother celebrated his 30th birthday the other day (happy birthday, Dan!). And I thought it funny and appropriate that I stumbled across this picture I had drawn for him (actually, I think I only just traced it) when we were still kids.

It says:

To Danny
When I grow up and I'm famous, you'll look back at this picture and enjoy having a free picture from me
Love Marisa Myers
age 11

Wow, what a lucky brother I have. And yes, I was that big of a pain-in-the-rear in person as I was on paper. That's what little sisters are for, right?

Happy Birthday, Dan, and I'll be sure to frame this picture for you, so you can admire it always, okay?



  1. aw, what a nice sister you were, LOL!

  2. LOL! Wow, nice of you to remember "the little people" all the way back to age 11. What he didn't tell you was that when you become famous he's going to put it up on eBay and live off the proceeds :)

  3. Wow, even back then you were full of yourself. Haha, just kidding! :o) I want a Marisa original because you're totally going to be a famous illustrator!

  4. hehe, I have pictures like that from my little brothers too :)

  5. So cute - and how awesome that you still have it!

  6. that's funny! love how you signed it. :)

  7. That is hilarious! I guess you knew from early on that you would be a famous artist one day!

  8. Ha! That's too cute! The things we do as kids... *giggles*
