Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Plum Tuckered (For Once in Her Life)

I'm not sure how many more blog posts about Annelie and her wretchedness I can get away with writing before all of my readers begin shouting, "Okay, we get it. She's a 'lil monster!" but since she consumes all of my time, energy and brain power, I'm having a hard time stringing together a single sentence that doesn't begin with, "Holy crap, I can't believe what Annelie just did..."

But I had to share this photo because, first of all, I think it is just hilarious, and second, because she actually took a nap.

That's a very big deal.

Nap time for Annelie came to an unexpected halt about four months ago, right after her second birthday, and I have been disoriented and a little (read: completely and utterly) insane ever since.

Will saw this picture and his eyes just about bugged out of his head. "Did you knock her unconscious?" he asked, incredulously. I'm still sort of hoping that he was kidding when he asked me that, but truthfully, anyone who knows Annelie, my two year old hyperactive insomniac, hasn't seen her passed out cold like this since she was a newborn.

Of course, I have been optimistic that perhaps she'll just take one eensy weensy little nap every couple of weeks, so I can get my bearings again and breathe for a minute... but generally, she just spends all of nap time destroying stuff. Like last week when she shredded every single book on her book shelf, including one library book which took me a good hour to tape back together.

But that picture is fantastic, isn't it? Almost as good as the 30 solid minutes of peace and quiet I had while she slept.



  1. HA! I love it!!! Ah come slipped some Benadryl into a cookie :) Amelia gave up naps at about 2 1/2, even though every now and then she will pass out while watching a movie in the afternoon. Put her in the car and she's a goner. Merrick is whittling himself down to one nap per day, which means he is a grumpy mess by bedtime. My only blessing is they have been incredible "through the night" sleepers since they were both 2 months old.

  2. Wow, congrats on her zonking out and giving you some down time :) He-he, adorable! :D

  3. hilarious!!! she does look like she got knocked out! sometimes all we need is that 30 minutes to recuperate...glad you finally got it!

  4. Now that is HILARIOUS! I'm glad you got a picture, that is priceless!

  5. Love that pic. All three of my kids gave up their naps around the age of 2 or so. So depressing. It's like they didn't want to miss out on anything! I mourned, trust me, LOL.

  6. No wonder you're losing your mind. I didn't know she didn't take naps. You poor thing!! I really hope Sophie doesn't lose hers anytime soon.... :(

    I love her collapsed position - it cracks me up!

  7. The best kind of children are sleeping children :)

    If Gage didn't nap I'm quite positive I'd be bald from pulling all of my hair out

  8. That is a terrific photo. Cute & funny! She sounds like a handful. :-)

  9. I LOVE it! That picture is too funny! My son was never a sleeper. Mommy needs nap time!! I agree with Mandie, sleeping children are the best. =)

  10. hysterical! my girls will be 6 in july but i clearly remember those days...and when i lost nap time (twin nap time, mind you). and to think, as newborns, they took TWO naps a day! i'd love to take a nap everyday, wouldn't you? :-)

  11. I love this picture! She may need a blog devoted just to her!
