Sunday, June 7, 2009

Frog Princes and Fairy Tales

Poof! Portion of a large painting of mine, done in 2006.

Okay, so here are a couple of things you probably already know about me:

1.) I have a thing for frogs. I love 'em. They are like slippery, slimy little bundles of adorableness and are the #1 best creatures (aside from my girls, obviously) to roam this Earth.

2.) Fairy tales and all that encompass them (ie fairies, mermaids, frog princes, fairy tale romances, castles, knights in shining armor, glass slippers, magic wands, magic mirrors, pumpkins that turn into carriages, mice that turn into coachmen, ect...) are on my ultimate list of Things that Make Marisa's Heart Very, Very Happy.

But here is something you might not know about me... I'm totally psychic.

Actually, that one is still debatable. But let me just tell you, for years I've been saying that if Disney wants to make a comeback with their cute and funny animated fairy tale musicals (for heaven's sake, its been like 10 years since their last one... what have they been thinking!?), then making The Frog Prince would be their best way to go.

Ordinarily, I avoid kids movies, especially cartoons, at all costs. But seriously, how awesome is this one going to be!? The frog prince story set in New Orleans... be still my heart. Where the heck are the previews? I haven't seen a single one.

*okay, later I found out that all you have to do is YouTube the lil' sucker and here is the preview (click here)* I guess everything is on YouTube.

Since this post is all fairy tales and fabulousness, let me just make sure that you've seen Folk and Fairy (click this link!), which is one of my ultimate favorite blogs. If you haven't seen it before, you will LOVE it, trust me. It is an entire blog devoted to 'clever finds for the faerie inclined' and everything will make you all happy and dreamy and itching for a fairy godmother to bring you everything Elva Undine has to show you.

The latest post featured one of Sarah Haskin's Target Women segments, which had me completely cracking up. I love those Target Women segments, but this one is by far my favorite:

Click it! You won't be disappointed.




  1. I LOVE that picture!

    (Did you see the frogs on my blog? I love frogs, too.)

  2. Frogs + Princes? That's right up my alley!

  3. I am a complete sucker for animated anything, fairy tales, musicals, etc, etc. A sad secret about me is that 85% of our Disney collection was already owned by ME before Amelia was ever even a thought. Now we get to argue over whose movies they really are :) I can't wait for the newest!! I'm still enjoying Enchanted, even if it is only 15% animated.

  4. I love frogs too and have a frog character in my storybook line of work. Frankie the Frog is in watercolor form and in 3-D form. Awhile ago I did a blog post about how he was transformed from 2-D to 3-D.

    I also love cartoon movies especially the Pixar ones. This week we're planning on seeing "Up" with my nieces and nephews. Yay! :-)

  5. That was hilarious!

    I have picked your blog for a blog award - go to my blog to check it out

  6. Love that picture!

    Just wanted you to know that I gave you the "Lovely Blog Award" :)

    You can read about it here:

  7. Wow, i didn't realize how many people really loved frogs like i do!! :)

    I do have to say that video was hysterical! oh i need to share this with my yahoo group!!

    Hugs and Sparkles!
