Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Daddy

Gracie spent a good half hour trying her hardest to convince me that what Will really wanted for Father's Day, was a Mr. Potato Head (and only a Mr. Potato Head, she insisted. That's all he wants. And probably a Barbie bike).

Ah, the sweetness of kids. So thoughtful, so considerate. Unfortunately for her, I bought him a few movies instead (The Boondock Saints, Fight Club and The Dark Knight... a far cry from a Mr. Potato Head and a Barbie bike, but a little more in line with his personal tastes - sorry Gracie)

So, to express her love, she drew him a Batman card and wrote him a poem:

Happy Daddy

by Gracie Hopkins
age 4

I love my daddy because he's nice
and because I really love him.
My favorite thing to do with Daddy is read a book
I love to eat spaghetti
I love Daddy, too.
Please can I go to the park soon?
I like it when we play
I love you

I asked Annelie if she wanted to write him a poem, too. She said, "No!"

Darling, sweet little two year old...

Happy Father's Day, Will!



  1. Adorable! I especially like the the "I like speghetti" like :)

  2. Too sweet! Happy Father's Day!

  3. hmmm...sounds like my girls! How sweet! Happy Father's day to your hubs!

  4. Precious! Happy Sunday, Marisa and family!

  5. And not a thing about Mr. Potato Head. See she really was just thinking of Will, not something she was interested in. :o)
    Hope Will has a great Father's Day!

  6. Wow, he must be a really cool Dad to rank up there with spaghetti! Hope everyone had a great Father's Day!

  7. Hi, just wanted to say that I love your blog and have given it an award! Please feel free to grab it from my blog!

  8. What a sweet and adorable poem! It's priceless.

  9. Save this stuff - my mom saved a fathers day card I made at preschool, and it's hilarious. something about how I love my dad because he cooks, but I hate chicken.

  10. what?! I love spaghetti too! i am going to write a poem about it. your children are inspring. haha. really cute.
