Saturday, June 13, 2009

Just a Couple of Things...

I've been busy blogging over at The Mama Dramalogues, and wanted to share a couple of links for you this weekend.

I've been crafting it up for Gracie, and made this Shabby Sweet Ponytail Flower tutorial for all you crafty, fabric scrap-addicted moms who want a cute project to make this weekend:

And if you are looking for a quick laugh, come on by and read today's Show and Tell post.

Readers Share: Phrases you NEVER expected to hear yourself shout until having kids.

This post comes complete with an illustration the lovely Gracie drew of me shouting at Annelie.

Yes, that is a pig nose. Thanks, Gracie!

Come on by The Mama Dramalogues and have a wonderful weekend!



  1. OMG, it that you??? Hee hee. I look like ET in most of Amelia's pics. How funny :) The other day she drew me with enormous

  2. Adorable ponytail piece. And what a drawing!?! Kids art is the best. :-)

  3. that is SO cute Marisa! I need to spend one free night and just read all of the mama dramalogues from start to finish...i'm sorry to say i haven't had the time yet as i've been dying to read it!

  4. I just adore that ponytail holder! I wish I had my long hair back, because *I* would wear it!
