Monday, July 20, 2009

Jealousy Rears Its Ugly Head

I'm not typically a jealous person. Not when it comes to my illustrations. Granted, I do have my moments, when I look at successful illustrators and think,"Why, oh why, can't that be me?"

But mostly, I see successful artists and am inspired by them.

In the case of me vs. Cholla, the painting horse, I'm just flat-out jealous. This horse has a watercolor exhibit in Venice this September... and sells his art for 2 grand a pop.

Why, OH WHY, can't that be me?



  1. Hey! That horse's paintings look suspiciously like MY watercolors! Perhaps a lawsuit in the offing...

  2. I am constantly seeing works by other artists that I absolutely love and wish I could do.

  3. Now see, if you'd just start painting with the brush between your teeth then you too could be selling your paintings for 2 grand a pop too!

  4. LOLOL

    Love this post - too cute.

    Found you on Etsy forums - great blog.

  5. You want to be a horse? I'm confused. :oP

  6. Horses that paint, cats that paint -- and I can't paint a lick. What's the world coming to?

    (Somewhere I swear there's a Seinfeld episode in all this...)

  7. Haha. Great post. You made me LOL.

    My word verification is emosmack. That's great.

  8. I enjoyed browsing through your blog! Love all the images!


  9. but can that horse paint like the elephant? hmmm. they've got nothing on you!

  10. because silly girl if THAT were YOU, all of your shoes would be sad little horseshoe shapes - BOOORING!!

    also found you on etsy forums - I'm a fan!

  11. Well you could bend over against a canvas with a paint brush up your bum, but I'd imagine that it wouldn't be quite as pleasant as sitting down at the table with some paint :)

    Love your new blog banner btw!!! Totally adorable!

  12. *giggles* I love the painting animals, but yes I agree on the sales! Good grief ... maybe I said my dog painted it....
