Monday, September 14, 2009

On Being an Idiot...

I've been excitedly working on some Halloween illustrations lately, as I LOVE Halloween and firmly believe it is the best holiday ever. Until Thanksgiving, of course. That is the best holiday ever. Well, until Christmas...

But anyway, I had planned on getting the Halloween prints in my shop this week... except that I'm kind of an idiot.

Okay, I'll admit it - I'm a ginormous idiot. Here's why:

Scene: a few weeks ago. After mailing broken lap top to Portland, so Marisa's friend Holly's hubby, Jim (aka: computer GENIUS) can fix it, Marisa proceeds to sit on the couch, phone in hand, and dial Holly's number.

Marisa [on phone with Holly]: Did the package with the laptop arrive safely?

Holly: Yeah, but you mailed an extra cord.

Marisa: What? [very confident] No, I didn't.

Holly: Yes, you did.

Marisa [very insistent]:No, I didn't.

Holly [very tolerant] Yes, you did.

Marisa [even more insistently than before]: No, I didn't

Um, actually... yes, I did.

Turns out, my scanner cord is in Oregon and my scanner is in Texas and my illustration is in Texas and I am officially an idiot.

Don't worry all you Halloween lovers - I'll have the prints in my shop someday, but in the meantime, I need to acknowledge that Holly is right and I am wrong.



  1. That wasn't TOO painful, was it??

  2. HAHAHA!!! Ok really poor Marisa... I hope you get it back to list them soon!

  3. I think you can get a new one for $5 or so at a place like office depot, if there's one nearby...

  4. OH NO!

    But I can beat that -- I shipped a packet of beads that had just come in the mail back to another supplier when I was returning something. Fortunately, they're awesome people and sent them right back to me!

    I tore up the entire house looking for those beads before they called me!

  5. Yep, sounds like something I'd do...and like an argument I'd have :) I can't help myself. I love what I see of your Halloween illustrations!!!!

  6. lol sounds like something i would do...when we were packing, i was finding heaps of chords that i didnt even know what they belonged to!

  7. Darn, I would have loved to see them--LOL. Mmmm, I might want me some.

  8. I'm just savoring the fact that this is in print. :oP

  9. I know I'm late on this one, but you guys are too funny. Nice going Marisa!

    Ciao bella,
