Monday, November 2, 2009

Goodbye Summer, Goodbye Ice Cream

The first frost of the year just hit the other day, and the weather has been crisp and biting ever since. Last week, however, summer was fighting to stay (this is Texas, after all) and with it... the ice cream truck and her chime that any kid can hear within a 50 mile radius, still rambling down our street.

No ice cream is as good as an ice cream truck's ice cream. I'm not talking taste - I can think of a billion better tasting ice creams. But the magic of an ice cream truck, of hearing that music, running outside with your fingers jingling spare change, and then standing there at the curb, the driver waiting, while you look at the wide selection... I can't think of a better kind of magic.

I've been looking forward to enjoying autumn and winter since spring first hit. When you live in Texas, and that the sweltering heat beats down for months, nothing sounds better than the freezing cold, and snuggling under a blanket with steaming mugs of hot chocolate.

But since the first frost has hit, and I know we've tasted our last ice cream truck ice creams, I can't help looking forward to next summer.

You know its a good ice cream by the intense happiness on Annelie's face. Or maybe that's brain freeze.



  1. What cute pictures! Your girls love the new house, don't they?

  2. it's summer again here - we had winter for a week or two, and suddenly we're back to warm weather - gotta love the bay area... BTW, your girls are so cute with their ice creams :)

  3. oh man I haven't seen an ice cream truck since I was little and growing up in Va Beach. Looks like your girls gave summer an awesome and delicious send off :)

  4. very cute pictures! i love the ice cream truck too. my favorite has always been the banana fudge far to find anymore!

  5. Our ears always perk up when the ice cream truck pulls on by! I don't care, I'll eat ice cream all winter long. Of course at some point, the truck will take a break and won't be back until the brutal heat what, about 5 minutes???

    The Jr Hopkins know how to enjoy a good ice cream :)

  6. Totally off subject, but I need instructions for Annelie's haircut. Little Miss Autumn will not stop chewing on her hair. YUCK!

    I don't think we've had an ice cream truck come through here. The girls prefer for Mommy to make them ice cream anyway, cause they get to help and taste!!

  7. the photos are gorgeous! u have truly captured the magic of ice-cream from the ice-cream truck :)

  8. NO NO NO! Not goodbye... just until the next time...
