Friday, December 25, 2009

How I Know My Husband Loves Me...

He gave me a sizzlin' hot Latino lover for Christmas...

Meet Esteban.

Why yes, those are glittery red roses.

Learning how to play the guitar has been on my list of Things Marisa Must Do Before She Turns 30, Or Else... and I don't just mean playing the opening notes to Nothing Else Matters or Stairway to Heaven. I'm gonna learn the guitar and I'm pretty darned stoked.

For all the Christmas celebrators out there, I hope you had a wonderful day! And for everyone else, well, I hope your day was 100% awesome, too!



  1. Caliente! Sounds like fun! That is beautiful!

  2. Ooooo, that's one hot guitar! Lucky girl. :o)

  3. Oh, wow! What an awesome gift! You have a sweet hubby!

    My husband has been doing online guitar lessons for over a year. He bought some stuff online from This guy is really good and he has some free online lessons at his site.

    Last Valentine's Day, we went to San Diego for a short vacation and took our 2 boys to Lego Land. The Carvin guitar factory is there. The first stop after we picked up the rental car was the Carvin factory. My hubby got a bright red electric guitar there, which I quickly named "Red Hot Mama", much to his embarrassment. Now I love to call his guitar by that name whenever anyone comes over because it is so much fun to watch his cheeks flush.

  4. That is FABULOUS!!!!! I've been playing guitar badly for about 7 years now :-) I bet I'd practice more if I had a smokin' hot guitar like that!!!

  5. omg that is sooo pretty! Even if you didn't play the guitar, it makes awesome wall decor!

  6. What a beauty! I tried to have my brother teach me years ago and my fingers are just not guitar worthy. Maybe it was because I was maybe 10 at the time, but I sucked. I'll stick to the piano...or Guitar Hero!

  7. yayyyyyyy :) what an amazing gift :) and not just the item, but the reason behind was the same for me :)
