Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thank You, And Other News...

So, can I just begin this post by saying that you are all my most favorite people in the entire world? Because it's true. The response you gave me to my nervous breakdown post was AMAZING. Every single comment meant SO much to me, and I just can not thank you enough!

And do you want to know what reading all of your awesome comments pushed me to do?

You pushed me to submit my portfolio to about 8 different children's book publishing jobs (oooh, cross those fingers and toes that I get one), that's what! So now I'm just wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' and plannin' and dreamin' (... and clearly channeling Nancy Sinatra, here) and still submitting, because I'm not going to give up when I feel like I'm so darned close to something big and wonderful.

And, in the meantime... ohhhh, get ready for this - (especially you, Anne and Denise!)

Sweet Swallow Tattoo

Hello, Friend!

Elegant Snobbery Embroidery Patterns! I did the design work, and my mom turned them into these ridiculously adorable patterns which can be found in her shop: HERE

Just you wait... there are PLENTY more to come (I've seen a teaser of Captain Monkeybones, and it is so cute I can barely stand it)

And, for those of you who are like, "Marisa, really? But really now? Don't you know that I can't even thread a needle?" - well, don't worry... because check out the cuteness of this PILLOW!

Which you can find: HERE

My mom rocks. Just sayin'

And you all rock, too. Seriously, I love you guys. Knowing that there are amazing, encouraging people all over the world, rooting me on with every step I take toward my dream.... that's pretty heady stuff!



  1. wow!! Thats AWESOME!!! WAY TO GO! :) And those patters are adorable!!

  2. Oh my, these are the cutest pillows EVER!

  3. Oh my goodness I love them!! I can't wait to see Capt Monkeybones too!!!!

    The cuteness is everywhere ... I just can't stand it! :)

  4. You and Mom make a great team! Give yourself a big pat on the back for all the submissions! What a great step forward.

  5. Hey, Marisa! I am SO excited about the embroidery patterns! I just put a little story and links on my CG blog. Hope they bring you a few extra clicks!


  6. Your mom does rock :) The level of creative talent in your family is sick! It's cool to see that she's not only worked out the pattern for others to share, but she's making and selling them herself.

    I'm keeping anything I can cross crossed for you that one of those illustration deals works out for you!!! I'm all there for ya baby :)

  7. Love the embroidery patterns! What a great idea! Also, I totally understand what you are going though right now! Starving artists....

  8. OMG, Congrats to you for taking this step! Amazing. Those publishers, etc would be crazy not to take you on. Your artwork is amazing & perfect for Children's books!

  9. i love those designs so much!! so unbelieveably cute!

  10. That pillow is killing me! Too cute.

  11. Awesome, I love that you've teamed up with your mom on this!

  12. That support goes both ways, and you rock, too! Best of luck with your submissions!!

  13. the embroidery patterns are awesome!!! way to go!!! have you ever thought about making letters with your little characters decoupaged on them for kids nurseries? or had fabric made based on your designs and then made into bedding & curtains for kids rooms?

    your stuff totally rocks and I don't think it'll be long before they are knocking down your door for your artistic talents =o)

  14. Good for you for submitting your portfolio!! And I *love* the patterns!

  15. Marisa, I think you've hit a home run with patterns!!! That pillow is simply adorable and I wouldn't mind having a few of my own. Keeping you in mind for the day I have time to make something for myself :) Keep up the great work!

  16. Those patterns are awesome!!

    Crossing fingers and toes for you.

  17. The patterns and the pillowcases themselves are gorgeous.
    Fingers crossed, great news, hope you get it, you are so worth it:)
