Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm Ready For Spring...

But West Texas obviously has other ideas...

Days like today make me so homesick for California... but I can't deny how happy it makes me to see my girls enjoy the snow so much!

PS, this is Gracie's very first snowman. His name is... are you ready for this?




FROSTY! (bet you didn't see that one coming...)



  1. Aww! I wish we would get some snow--so far all of our snow days (days when school lets out) have all been ICE days. Not fun.


  2. I am so driving up to Abilene right now to enjoy what snow you guys have. I WANT SOME. It's much more fun than the rain we've been getting. They teased us saying we'd get flurries...then it changed to "getting sleet"...and then...just rain.

    As much as I adore spring, it means allergies...and that Texas hell hot summer is not far behind :(

  3. aww! You guys have just enough snow that its fun to go out and play in! Theres too much here to even move in and instead of sledding we just sunk and got stuck.

    I'm with you though, bring on the sunshine!

  4. Her very first?! OMG. I cannot imagine my childhood without snow and snowmen and snow angels and snowsuits and the first snow and the January Thaw and the resnow and Lake Effect Snow (look it up).

  5. Snow is a lot of fun, but I think we've had enough of it here in the Mid Atlantic! Still can't get out of my driveway.

  6. Cute.
    I am sooo ready for spring. No summer. Sitting by the pool with the hot sun. Sweating.

  7. I'm with Aly and the rain hate! It would at least be fun to go play in snow. I'm thinking Spring sounds pretty good right now!

  8. that's the awesomest frosty i've ever seen. also. i like the edible frosty from wendy's.

    psst. gave you an award on my blog. fo' reals.

  9. How cute! I'm ready for spring too - in a big way!

  10. I am hopping by from Winn's blog, and I wanted to say hi and let you know that I'm going to be following you because a) you like Winn, b) you like Adventures With Edward, and c) you have a daughter named Gracie. I have never seen snow, but I *am* friends with Winn and Kearsie in real life, so it all evens out I guess. :-)
