Friday, February 12, 2010

Wacky West Texas Weather

Remember how it was snowing yesterday, and I said I was ready for Spring?

Well... here's West Texas weather for ya.

Time lapse: 24 hours

Yup, today was hot enough to melt about 4 inches of snow COMPLETELY.

Aside from poor Frosty, here, we have absolutely no snow in our yard. Not a single speck!

Yay! I'm ready for Spring!



  1. Bloody weather! Love your blog!

  2. Y'all can send some of the melting mojo on up here to Ohio!

  3. that's what i love about TX! you get the snow, but it doesn't last and you don't have to shovel your way out of your house!

  4. We didn't even get snow here in the hill country! Oh, well, it was colder'n a witch's nose so I guess that makes up for it, huh? Love your little house!

  5. That last picture made me choke on my water.

  6. and i thought the weather here was crazy! that's amazing...can't believe it!

  7. I want some of your weather... I'm sick of the snow. Haven't seen the ground in over two months...
