Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Flashback: Two Girl Kittens

Today's Flashback Friday post is... well, actually a flashback to yesterday, and the last few months when I was of the belief (thanks to what the shelter and vet told me) that we adopted two little girl kittens.

Because REALITY CHECK, we do not have two little girl kittens. Nope. Somersault, my frisky, destructive baby girl... now has testicles.


Um, where the heck did they come from? I do not know. But they are there, and mating season is in full swing, and though we were scheduled for a kitty fixin' session next month, things are gonna happen ASAP because life with mating cats is not fun.

Ah, remember the good ole days of yesterday, when life was simpler, and kittens were baby girls and the calico wasn't glaring at you with a look like, "Get this effing orange cat off my back right NOW, Mom, before I punish you all, by spraying your favorite couch." ??

I do. But it is quickly becoming a distant memory.


Have a flashback to share? Head on over to Tia's blog and join in the Flashback Friday awesomeness.



  1. Also, confession: this is my secret fear. That I'll be doing a somersault and testicles will pop out.

    Do we have to break up because I just shared this?

  2. Kearsie, of course not. I love you even more for your honesty. Because that was some serious honesty, just then.

  3. Aww I love your blog. Will be a frequent stalker, ehem I mean visitor/reader.. keke..

  4. We're adopting two kittens in a few months, although nobody has made any promises as far as gender! At least Somersault has a gender neutral name!

  5. HAHAHAHAHA! You know I love you Marisa, but these kind of things seem to happen to you and well, it's funny :P

    We had a Persian named Puffy (pre Sean Puffy Combs) when I lived at home with my parents. No one, including the vet, knew "she" was a he until it came time for "fixing". The combination of a lot of fur and well, a lack of endowment had hidden the fact!

    At least you didn't find out by ending up with a litter of kittens!

  6. haha! My first husband and I found an abandoned kitten, couldn't have been more than a few weeks old. He could barely walk and was completely bald. We nursed him back to health, thinking he was a she because he was too little to.. uhh.. you know! So we named him Princess, and the name just stuck! Poor misunderstood guy!

  7. Except for all of the humping and spraying, I prefer boy cats -- they are so much friendlier than girl cats! At least in my experience. But I've never had a surprise like that. And I think I'm happy about that.

  8. That was a heckuva surprise, wasn't it? As a note: the majority of orange cats are male, the ratio being 80/20. And while I've read there actually are orange females, I've never met one so when I see orange, I think male.

    Nan, who belongs to a big ol' orange 'un.

  9. ohhh my! Visit the vet .... soon!

  10. OOOOOHHHHHH EEEEEMMMMMM GGGGGGGEEEEEE! That's is simply all I can manage...

  11. Hmm. I'm don't know the statistics on orange cats' sex, but I do know that 99.99% of calico cats are female. The gene for orange or black coloring of cats is located on the x chromosome. To have both orange and black colors, you must have 2 x chromosomes, thereby making you either female (99.99%) or really screwed up with 2 x's and a y, which makes a sterile male.

    Orange cats need only 1 x chromosome with the orange gene to be orange, but an orange cat could have 2 x chromosomes, both with orange genes, so orange kitties could be either sex. It is funny that your orange kitty turned out to be a male. Maybe TexNan is right and most orange cats are male?

  12. Yeah, weird about the orange cat thing. I've had two other orange cats and one was male, and the other was female, so I figured they were both, and that it was normal to have both...

    I did know that about calicos, though.

  13. wow. so she grew balls. amazing. also. i used to go around my aunt's house with a spray bottle spraying the cat. just for fun.

  14. Those sneaky testicles; never fun when they surprise you.
    I hope some baby kittens aren't in your future! Crossing my fingers and tell Sophie to cross her legs!
