Monday, May 10, 2010

Annelie the Writer

Three year old Annelie has decided she wants to be a writer.

So she wrote me a book, all by herself. It's about a princess.

I'm particularly impressed that she used complementary colors - orange and blue - my favorite combination.

And, what fascinates Annelie the most: the fact that people drawn in profile only have one eye showing at a time - something she figured out entirely on her own.

These are her mermaid princesses. I love how their hair isn't actually attached to their heads. My hair looks like that some days, too. Like some crazy toupee.

Is my daughter a genius, or what?

My kids never fail to amaze me!



  1. that does seem advanced, in my professional art educator's opinion...the profile eye thing!

  2. Brilliant! This will be worth TONS some day when she's a famous author! :-)

  3. That is precious! Looks like a good book to me! She is well on her way!

  4. Those'll be worth something someday!

    Like mother, like daughter.

  5. Adorable! Love it! Also, the illustrations? Better than I could do, and I'm ten times her age.

  6. Um wow.... I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with mine! She's three, but she writes her name vertically and backwards.
    And the profile-one-eye-thing? That's terrifyingly intelligent!
    Crap maybe I should hire a tutor?

  7. Genius? Yes.

    I get told all the time the the Peanut is a good artist because I spend a lot of time drawing with her. Unfortunately that's just not the case, she prefers to draw by herself. I love it when she picks stuff up all by herself and also when she takes things I've shown her and makes them her own.

  8. I really enjoy the early pictures, when they are figuring things out =o)

    I have a scrapbook of sorts of my sons drawings through the years, its awesome to see the progress and changes with time

  9. Eeks! I am SO far behind on my blog reading, but I just love, love, love this. Fabulous!
