Monday, May 24, 2010

The Boss

This is how we spent the 8 hour drive to Port Aransas last week:

Listening to Annelie sing along to her favorite song. I wonder if I should be concerned that she loves singing the "I see a BAD MUTHA!" part the best...

Especially as she thinks it is: "I see a BAD MOTHER!"

Hmmm... Well, I find her amusing, anyway!



  1. Oh, YES! Startin that girl out right with a proper love for the Godfather of Soul!

    *baby-baby-baby baby-baby-baby baby-baby-baby baby-beh-beh I got the feelin*

  2. too cute! my girls love to sing along to the radio...until i get the camera out and then they become immediately mute :-)

  3. too cute. Marisa, what aren't you telling us about your parenting?

  4. Marisa - are you sure your daughter said,
    "BAD MOTHER...?"

    Personally, I thought I heard,


    NO? - OK - could be wrong I suppose...what does hubby say?

  5. I love that! I think that was the first time I've heard your voice. It's so cute! It's not what I imagined in my head (funny how that is).

  6. Haha, thanks! She's a pretty awesome kid.

    And AnnMarie... oh heck no! No baby brother for her.

    And Natalie... I HATE my voice! So embarrassing!

  7. MWAHAHAHA! Awesome! She's so cute!

  8. Oh she is adorable. Maybe not 8 hours adorable....I kid. My son's first song he loved to sing was... " bottom jeans, boots with fur, everybody is looking at her...." It was so dang cute.

  9. Don't worry ... Gage likes to sing Teenage Lobotomy from The Ramones, and Brayden's favorite song used to be My Humps by Fergie (he thought it was about camels lol) ... it could always be worse! Although, 8 hours later I don't think I'd find the singing quite so amuzing. She is a cutie pie :)

  10. your voice sounds like mine. are you me?

    also. your girl is one bad mutha.
