Monday, July 19, 2010

Writing Style Awesomeness

There's a link tearing through the world of writer blogs and I just had to check it out... Find out which famous writer you write like.

So, I went to the site, pasted in a scene from the book I'm writing, and got the result:

I write like
Chuck Palahniuk

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I've never actually read anything by Chuck Palahniuk, but I have seen the movie Fight Club - which is awesome - and have decided I am completely badass (Chuck wrote the book. Yes, we're on a first name basis. We are identical writing twins, after all).

And if a movie version of my book were to be made, I'm 100% positive that Brad Pitt and Edward Norton would be in it. I'll ignore the fact that there aren't any adult male characters in my book and just focus on Brad and Edward and my badassness. Actually, I do have a black-haired, crazy, female baddie in my story and if my book were a movie, Helena Bonham Carter would be perfect for that role...

Okay, it's sorted. Helena be my baddie and Brad and Edward can feed me grapes off set while I'm lounging around, hanging with the director and other actors in my movie. Sounds perfect, right?


Anyway, its a fun little link and you don't need to be a writer to try it out. You can stick in text from anything you've written, even blog posts, to see which famous writer you write like.

Now I'm off to my library to check out a book by Chuck, to see if I even like his writing style. I might cry if I don't.

Happy Monday, folks!




    Thanks for the link! I'm going to do this right now!

  2. I did it twice with different parts of my writing and it said Stephen King and Dan Brown. HA! I'll take it!

  3. ha! Okay too funny! You are badass and so is Dena.

  4. Okay I got James Joyce--from a piece of newly written unrevised stuff-- and Edgar Allan Poe--from something that has been tinkered with quite a bit.

  5. Ha, that's great.
    I did it---and went back to stick it in the blog I posted earlier...

    I've never read any books by Chuck whatever-his-name-was, neither have I seen the movie, so.....I'll just take you at your word. ;)

  6. you are totally bad ass!!

    In fact you are Tyler Durden's bad ass!

  7. No, no, I believe the correct answer is "You write like that very awesome, yet undiscovered author named Marisa Hopkins, who I'm pretty sure should be finishing a certain novel rather than playing on a writing analyzer." So says the beta from hell. Aren't I evil? I can't believe I plugged in my little fairy story and got back that I write like Stephen King. A little disturbing. I tried something from my blog and it said I write like H.P. Lovecraft. I love horror, but I hate to think my children's lit reads like a Stephen King novel!

  8. Ow, ow! You twisted my arm! I plugged in some innocuous blog text, and the analyzer says I write like David Foster Wallace. I've never heard of him, but he must be freakin awesome. OK, checked Amazon and his stuff looks like what I like to read. So, yeah. But he's dead, dangit.

    As for you, chick...of course you're a badass writer! We didn't need an analyzer to tell us that!

  9. You are so badass, Marisa!
    I'll have to check that link out, sounds fun!

  10. I'm afraid of getting my writing twin as Stephanie Meyer, so I'll pass, because I don't need a cry today.

    But I already knew you're a fab writer Marisa. Can't wait to read your novel.

    Word Verification: regemi

    Definition: Must be one of those new age names. :oP

  11. OH this is too good to pass up! I'm off to see who I write like. Thanks for the link!

  12. Bwahahahha. I particularly like the part where you get fed grapes by Brad and Edward off set.

    You'll have to tell me how you like Chuck, because that's what I got too. And I haven't read his stuff either...

  13. I am so flummoxed -- no matter what blog post I put in, it says I write like Cory Doctorow, a science fiction writer (who luckily gets good ratings). WTH? I don't quite know how to take that! But that is such a cool utility!

  14. You go girl! I've read a couple of Chuck's books, seriously disturbing stuff if you ask me. But enjoyable and thought-provoking.

  15. Haha, Melissa! Disturbing? Darn, I hate reading disturbing stuff... maybe I'll just take their word for it, and skip reading to find out how he writes!
