Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Flashback: Toilet Paper Baby

This was one of those moments - you know, the disturbingly quiet, "hmmmmm.... I wonder where the baby has gone as I stand here in the kitchen making dinner," kind of moment.

But it captures life with a baby - and the magic of a roll of fluffy white toilet paper - perfectly! Gracie was nearly one year old, and we were still living in California, the house we rented when we were apartment complex managers (worst job ever, as far as I'm concerned). It was a beautiful house, built in the 1920's... would have been perfect if not for that Pepto Bismal pink tiled bathroom (which had - and I'm not even kidding - BROWN walls. It was revolting).

But that bathroom provided the perfect pink back drop for a curious moment with a rosy pink baby!


Have a flashback of your own? Join in the flashback fun at Tia's blog -




  1. What a beautiful photo! We've had those moments are our house, too.

  2. Charlie must have known that you were going to post about his, because he totally channeled it and recreated it in Gracie's honor, yesterday.

  3. my children do this same thing. it sure is cute to look at the pictures but when it occurs all i can think is...ahhhh! trees trees trees. oh and my wallet depleting for having to buy something that just gets throw away. :) love this photo. thanks for sharing.

  4. Ah, the quiet moments. Yeah, sometimes those can be the scariest.

    "Aw, peace and quiet...wait a minute...GAH! Ryah quit eating all the bakers chocolate out of the pantry! Wasn't there a permanent marker here on the counter? Where did it...GAH!"

  5. Often at the time they seem like "oh no" moments. In retrospect those are the ones you carry with you and the family re-tells over and over again.

  6. How cute! Makes me want to have one of my own now! :) Debs

  7. Wow, none of mine ever did that kind of TP destruction. That said, Merrick once tried to flush half a roll and I had to bust out the plunger. ICKY!!

  8. Aww, what a lovely photo! I can't wait to see a scenery somewhat like this at our house, I'm a mama of a four months old baby girl :) Thank you for sharing this.
