Thursday, October 28, 2010

On the Drawing Table: Moon or Bust!

My colored pencils have been pulled out of their hiding spot once again, and this time we're exploring space together! My youngest artist has been along for the space shuttle ride, giving me quite a view of cuteness while I work.

She's having a great time learning all the fancy names for colors. And as a result, has decided she'd like to change her name to Crimson Red.

I'm still working on my alphabet letters, and hope to have V, R, and E finished by next week, so stay tuned for more photos!

And before I go, here's a close up of the little astronaut and his large smile. I'm a fan of smiles.

Happy Thursday, folks!



  1. It's darling! I LOVE it! Crimson Red huh? *snort* I guess that's better than Tuscan Red. Ooh but has she heard of Scarlet Lake?

  2. very cute. and my alabama crimson tide husband would be very proud of that color choice.

  3. Seriously loving the new illustration. It's departure from the girlier ones you've done. Well, except for Mr Monkeybones. I sort of stopped at your "A" illustration, for my own self serving reasons, but am still excited to see the rest of the alphabet!
