Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Outta the Mouths of Babes.5

With Gracie in kindergarten all day, I spend most of my time with three-year-old Annelie... and she's pretty entertaining.

Or else I'm just easily entertained. Or both. Probably both.


(Annelie is learning about mixing colors to get other colors)

Scene: Bathroom, getting ready for bed. Annelie spits out blue mouthwash along with some dinner she was saving in her cheeks - came out green.

ANNELIE: WOW! Food plus blue makes GREEN!


ME: Annelie, have you seen my face cream? My skin is dry and I need it, but can't find it anywhere.

ANNELIE: No. You should use ice cream instead.


ME: Annelie, I'm putting on my headphones, so if you need me when Dora's over, tap me on my shoulder.

ANNELIE: [laughs hysterically]

ME: Um, what's so funny?

ANNELIE: You said 'tap me on my shoulder.' [continues laughing hysterically]

(I'm still missing the punchline)


ANNELIE: I love you.

ME: Aw! I love you, too!

ANNELIE: I wasn't talking to you, Mom. I was talking to my toy pig.


GRACIE: I really love Justin Bieber!

ANNELIE: He sounds like a girl.


[epic cat fight!!]


ANNELIE: I'm having very clever thoughts today!

ME: Uh oh.

(and if you've been reading my blog for more than a few weeks, I'm sure you know where Annelie's clever thoughts lead!)


ME: Argh, I'm going crazy!!

ANNELIE: You're not crazy, Mom!

[rethinks statement]

Well, your glasses make you look pretty crazy.


ANNELIE: I can count to one, you know.

ME: Okay, go.



ANNELIE: Mom, remember how I like eating tabbies?

ME: Um, you like to eat cats?

ANNELIE [rolls eyes]: No! I like to eat tabbies! The Halloween candy!

ME: I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about.

ANNELIE [rolls eyes again]: Ugh! You KNOW what I'm talking about! Remember? I like to eat TABBIES!

(turns out she likes to eat Laffy Taffies)


Okay, that's all for today, folks! Happy Wednesday!



  1. *laughs*
    Oh, children. They crack me up.
    My favorite is the cat fight one....because he truly does sound like a girl....and the ice-cream for you face:) That's pretty awesome. Sounds kinda summer-time though. LOL

  2. OK...totally needed that this afternoon.

    Thanks for the laughs and the afternoon pick me up!

    Kids are precious!

  3. I love these things! EPIC CAT FIGHT! Hahahahah!

  4. Nice to know you rank second to the toy pig :) Tabbies...nice. I'm happy that she hasn't turned to dining on Somer! Funny stuff.

  5. Hilarious! 'Tap me on my shoulder' your so funny Marisa!

  6. Bwahahaa, this brought back memories. I loved the Pig one...ouch, but so funny.

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  7. Your "outta the mouths of babes" need a spew alert. I almost covered my keyboard in tea from laughing so much. Annelie is hilarious!!
