Thursday, April 21, 2011

SLEEP Theme Song: Rabbit Heart

I've blogged before how much I love (and need) to write to music, and my current work-in-progress, a modern Sleeping Beauty retelling (which I call SLEEP) is no different.

After blogging my love for The Lady of Shalott yesterday, I thought it appropriate to share the #1 song I listen to whenever I need to get into my main character's head:

Rabbit Heart by Florence + the Machine
(click the picture to be magically transported to the video on YouTube)

I've been writing my book for a year and a half now and in that time I've listened to this song over 400 times (according to my iTunes). And the rest of Florence + the Machine's LUNGS album I've listened to close to that much. Oh man, Florence is just so great and this album never stops being amazing.

Also, it amuses me that my other work-in-progress has a bit of an Alice in Wonderland theme to it (only instead of mad hatters and angry queens my character finds herself in a world of gods, monsters and virgin sacrifice. YAY!)

Happy listening, folks!



  1. Amazing album! A relationship in my book was inspired by Drumming Song, and Blinding is what I'm pretty sure inspired my idea for a whole other series. F+tM rocks! :)

    Plus, you've got me beat by a lot. I've only got about 60ish plays on my iTunes, lol.

  2. You had me at "virgin sacrifice". Both of your WIPs sound interesting. I'll definitely check out that band! My taste in music is a little...unevolved, I guess you could say. And my WIP theme music is mostly southern rock and country, lol! :)

  3. Marisa,

    I have dappled in fiction writing a little bit over the last few years but I have a hard time developing an original idea, sticking with it, and turning it into a legitimate work in progress.

    I was wondering if you could share how you find inspiration for the main ideas for your books and how you continue to enhance those ideas over the course of multiple years.


    - Jamie

  4. Jamie, thanks so much for asking! I'll do a post on that!

  5. I'm ashamed to say I've heard of the band but never listened. It is very "Sleep" and I can see why you listen to it :) I guess I need to download some Florence and the Machine to my iPod!

    Funny, I've never been into the mood music while writing. I think because the music I love makes me want to stop and sing and well, that would distract me from my writing! Plus I'm not sure Children's Lit and metal mix :)

  6. I agree. I can see that song in your book.

  7. Sounds like a great book! And I can listen to songs over and over again if they capture the tone and emotion of my story.
