Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Outta the Mouths of Babes: The Harmonica Edition

Just an average conversation with my four year old...

ANNELIE [plays a little tune on her harmonica]: So can I?

ME: Can you what?

ANNELIE: I just told you. Let me do it again. [plays a little tune on her harmonica] There.

ME: What was that?

ANNELIE: I wanted something to eat.

ME: Sure. What do you want.

ANNELIE [plays a little tune on her harmonica]: That's what I want.

ME: I have no idea what you're asking for.

ANNELIE: Listen carefully. [plays a little tune on her harmonica] Can I have one?

ME: Annelie. I don't speak harmonica. Please tell me.

ANNELIE [impatiently]: Oh Mom, just listen. This is what I want. [plays a little tune on her harmonica]

ME: Do you want a banana?

ANNELIE [plays a little tune on her harmonica]: That means no.

ME: Do you want a sandwich.

ANNELIE [plays a little tune on her harmonica]: That means yes. I want this kind. [plays a little tune on her harmonica] Got it?

ME [ready to grab harmonica and chuck it out the window]: If you don't tell me now, I'm not making anything at all.

ANNELIE [plays a little tune on her harmonica]: That means I want a peanut butter and frosting sandwich.

ME: Nope, not an option.

ANNELIE [plays a little tune on her harmonica]: That means I want a peanut butter and honey sandwich.

ME: That I can make.

ANNELIE [plays a little tune on her harmonica]: Do you know what that means?

ME: Please?

ANNELIE: No [plays a little tune on her harmonica] that one means please. This one [plays a little tune on her harmonica] means thank you.

*eyes twitching*

At least she's polite....



  1. Oh my goodness.. That whole conversation made me laugh out loud. She sounds just like my little cousin! He did something similar with a kazoo not too long ago.. lol

    Also, peanut butter and frosting?! Gah! lol

  2. Ha! This totally cracked me up because, even though I haven't met Annelie in real life, I can picture this perfectly. I have a lot of those eye-twitching moments around here, too, when what I really want to yell at my kids is "JUST TELL ME!"

  3. tee-hee! I hate harmonicas...

  4. Oh my gosh, that is too cute! But I can see how it would have been frustrating too... *giggles*

  5. Brilliant! There are too many things about this to love.

  6. whoaaaaaa that might/would drive me up a wall on some days. hah!

  7. PB and frosting sound so gross! Blech. :)

  8. I love your Annelie updates. She reminds me a lot of a little boy I know.... ;)

  9. lol- too cute! I have a four year old daughter too- however she doesn't just tell me what she wants, she ORDERS me to the kitchen for a very specific kind of sandwich. (she's the third and youngest of my children) we've nick named her Napoleon.

  10. LOL...that's too funny...and I'm amazed at your resilience of not throwing it out the window. My eyes would have been twitching BAD!! ;-)

  11. OMG! I love her brain so much!!! If you get tired of her, may I have her?
