Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Flashback: Teeth

Gracie lost her third tooth this morning - one of her two front teeth, which are my favorite teeth for kids to lose. I'm crossing my fingers that the other one will hurry up and fall out because, in my opinion, nothing is cuter than a ginormo top-teeth gap on little kids.

When it comes to pulling out teeth, Gracie and I are polar opposites. (or molar opposites. har har.) She's very timid. This last tooth wiggled in her head for a good two months until it fell out on it's own.
Me at age 4, with my big brother, Dan - my first lost tooth.
How RAD is that wall paper?

I, however, was of the 'will inflict physical pain on self if it means a visit from a real live FAIRY and a handful of shiny coins' variety. And so, at the age of four, I pulled my first tooth out of my head during nap time at preschool when it wasn't even wiggly. (I was of the 'will inflict physical pain on self it if means NOT NAPPING' variety, as well, which got me in a lot of trouble as a kid)

Eventually, my grandma taught me a short cut - the string-tied-to-your-tooth-and-then-to-the-door-and-then-you-SLAM-the-door-and-VOILA! short cut. Which is brilliant! Teeth come out SO easily this way!

Fortunately, there is no photographic evidence that I had a monstrous mouth of scraggly teeth. I smiled with my mouth closed in every close-up shot until my teeth looked normal again in fifth grade...

...thus avoiding looking like my adorable scraggle-toothed hubs....

...who eventually turned into an adorable Jr. Bugs Bunny.

What will Gracie's mouth look like? Only time will tell...

But in the meantime, she's pretty darned cute, if I do say so myself!

Have a FANTABULOUS 4-day weekend and 4th of July (or Good Riddance Day, as my Brit of a husband likes to call it)!



  1. hah, those pictures are the cutest.
    i was more the shy variety. kind of scared of pain.

  2. Seriously, that girl could lose every tooth in her mouth and she'd still be a little doll :) Wow, you wanted that visit from the tooth fairy BAD, now didn't you? I forced out one of my top front ones out when it was loose, but not ready to come out and it's the #1 reason I needed braces. The one next to it grew in partially in it's place because the space was open real estate just a little too early and the one I forced out took forever to come in. BOOO

  3. Cute. I had my two front teeth pulled in third grade (yes, that late) and one of them still came out too early. I ended up with one and a half front teeth through fifth grade.

  4. she's a lot cute! Love all the pics and your hubs so sweet. And I cringe at your tooth pulling antics. I was a wait-til-it's-about-ready-to-fall-out kinda kid.

  5. How missing tooth pics of kids...they are always so fun to look back on.

    Happy 4th!!

  6. can't believe you yanked your own tooth out at 4 years old! I would have been WAY too scared! Gracie's gap is adorable.

  7. haha love the photos! Thomas hasn't lost a tooth yet but us hanging for the tooth fairy to visit...we are having teeth issues though cos I discovered one of his grown up teeth growing behind his baby teeth which is slightly wiggly...
