Monday, August 22, 2011

It's That Time Again!

Yup, it is indeed that time again. You know, the time when I kid myself that I'll actually accomplish stuff when it comes to my book while one kid is out of the house all day and the other kid is... well, sitting behind me while I try to work. On the same chair. Giving me a massage.

(And by massage, I mean poking me in the neck with one paint brush and two foam brushes while telling me that she's already bored and wants her hair in a million braids)

In other words, Gracie's back to school! First grade, this time!
(she's quite excited)

(also, 1st graders have strong muscles)

(and vampire fangs)

Which leaves me, once again, with my littlest duckling. One who misses her sister immensely, but feels better when her hair is in a million braids.

Happy 1st day of school to all you folks out there going back to school, teaching school, or shoving your kids in school!



  1. Cute pics! My kids start next MOnday when I'll finally get some writing done!

  2. such sweet pictures. Your girls are the cutest,

  3. the 1st grade muscles!!

    I went back last week but the kiddos actually started was a good tears!! And from 3 year olds that's quite an accomplishment!

  4. Love the cute poses and photos!
    Your girls are so flippin cute!
    My kids go back to school on Wednesday. First day without kids all day long since I had them (my youngest is a first grader). Which is why I'm contemplating accepting a p/t teacher's aide position. Not much money, but I love teaching!

  5. oh goodness, you Texans start early! We have until the 29th ... and then this mama is going to be a sobbing mess while the bus pulls away with her babies, lol.

    Gracie certainly looked excited! I'm sure she had a fabulous first day. And hey, vampires are all the rage right now, so those fangs will make her one popular little girl :)

  6. Love it! She looks pretty excited too. How is it they are getting this big so fast?

  7. Didn't it happen so fast?!? I can't believe she's in 1st grade already! Maddie is bored at home and now requires my full attention since she doesn't have a sibling to play with. I'm trying to enjoy it one last school year because it's off to kinder all day next year. :)

  8. I'm late reading posts, but I love this!!

    *I especially love the vampire fangs. ;-)
