Saturday, December 17, 2011

Marisa's Adventures In Writingland

Write or Else Art Print by Kathy Jeffords

I thought writing a 92,000 word complete novel was the most complicated thing ever.

Then I thought figuring out what my novel was about, and rewriting it as an 86,000 word novel, was the most complicated thing ever.

Then I received book-splittingly HUGE critique and had to find the backbone of my story and gut the rest, rewriting it as a 72,000 word novel. My brain melted several times along the way. I figured it was the most complicated thing EVER.

Well, I was wrong, folks. It wasn't at all.

The most complicated thing ever is taking what used to be a revoltingly bloated 92,000 word novel and condensing it's essence into two paragraphs.




That need to sparkle more than Edward Cullen's chest.

You guys. I'm dying here. Writing a query is so darned hard.

But on a brighter note, I finished my book! The Book That Never Ends finally ended!*

So what's next on the Marisa Wants To Be An Author When She Grows Up agenda?

Querying agents. *gulp*

Then I'll be finishing the book I began for last year's NaNoWriMo. I was SO INSANELY bummed that I didn't finish SLEEP before this year's NaNo. But I have wrangled up a handful of writer friends and we're going to attempt a first ever JanFebMarNoWriMos (in which we write a complete first draft in 3 months - which to some is easy peasy, but to me - who takes a year to hack out a draft - this will border on epic)

Any one up for hopping on the JanFebMarNoWriMos train?

*okay, mostly, as I still have a light round of touch ups - and maybe rip and restitch a couple scenes - which feels like child's play at this point



  1. Me! Me!! I'm on the train!! And, I liked the version that I read, if my little opinion matters any.

  2. Oh, good luck! For what it's worth, I found Elana Johnson's 'From The Query To The Call' (available for free) absolutely invaluable. Then once you've got your pitch, have it read by people who are familiar with your book and people who aren't, put it up on the Absolute Write forums, enlist everyone!

  3. Query's ARE hard. But wait til you have to write a synopsis...Congrats on finishing!!!

  4. Congratulations! And omg do I know the agony that is those to paragraphs. Feel free to send your query my way if you need an extra pair of eyes.

  5. You can do it M! Your almost there!!!!

  6. Eeeek!!! Congratulations! I am right there with you. I'm polishing up the WIP and then I'll be sending it to my crit partners, and probably tearing a couple thousand words from it if I can possibly can. Good luck with querying! YOU CAN DO IT!

  7. Querying = MADE OF SUCK. Ugh. LOL! But you will rock it just like you do everything else! I am SOOOOOO proud of yooooouuuu! <3<3<3 Congrats!!!!
