Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Babies and Bubbles

I've had horrendous baby cravings lately. Maybe it's because my newborn is getting all registered for kindergarten and I'm suffering from severe PNS (pre-empty nest syndrome). Or maybe it's because half of my Facebook friends update about their sweet bouncing babies on a minutely basis and OMG BABIES. I love them.

So what's a girl who doesn't want to have another baby to do?

Spend a week with a soon-to-be 2-year-old, that's what!

Last week was a busy one for Annelie and me, our days spent in the company of a toddler named Ryder.  Annelie ADORED every second of it. Especially when I whipped up mass quantities of bubble solution.

BUBBLES. Honestly, who doesn't love these things? They're the best. I got my recipe from Family Fun magazine, but substituted the corn syrup (gross) with glycerin:

Mix - 1 cup of water with 1/3 cup dish washing liquid and 2 tablespoons of glycerin - VOILA! Big bubbles!

Unfortunately, I didn't have any bubble wands on hand. Fortunately, I did have potato mashers and sawed-off plastic water bottles. (thanks for the water bottle tip,!)

These bubbles kept the kids busy for ages! 

Last week, Annelie made an awesome big sister. She's so good with babies, and adores taking care of people. I guess at some point I should stop seeing her as a widdle baby..... 

Happy Wednesday, folks!



  1. This is SOOOO me right now!! Ever since my "baby" started Kindergarten this year, and all of my friends have finally started having babies (7 of them within 5 months of each other) I've been craving babies too. And it doesn't help that my boys want a little sister. :)

    The bubbles afternoon looked really fun!

  2. I am *totally* out of the baby stage! I guess that's what happens when you have three kids, three cats, four guinea pigs, and one dog. If I have to take care of one more person or animal . . . LOL!

    But, oh . . . the cuteness of those pictures! :-D

  3. I love babies too, but I'm happy to have kids now (although my youngest will be my baby for years, I'm sure...) I really like not getting woken up three times per night. It's kind of a novelty.

  4. yep... no mo babies here... in fact you are welcome to take my 2yr old whenever you get that urge again. I swear I wont complain a bit @.@ Can't wait for school! Allyssa starts Pre-school after this summer *Big Grin*

  5. You have officially made my day by letting me in on the secret of bubble solution making :) I knew there was a reason I liked you! I can't believe how big she looks and how long her hair is.

    I'm OK with the "no more babies" thing, especially when I went to Amelia's Open House and had to sit surrounded by screaming babies and toddlers. No thanks!

  6. Ummmmmm, when did Annelie get so dang grown up? Somebody please make these children stop growing up, I can't handle it!

  7. it is so hard to believe how she has grown!!

  8. Sooooo cute! It's just not warm enough here yet for bubbles! I love toddlers - so cute. Just not sure if I want another one. :)

  9. Annelie is such a doll. I want another baby as well, but without a significant other right now that might be a little hard. lol. I can have my full of preschoolers, but there aren't any babies close by in the family until my (to-be) SIL has her daughter in June/July.
