It's no secret that Gracie is scissor-crazy. And that I pretty much have to keep my scissors on lock and key. And that Gracie still manages to get a hold of the scissors despite me hiding them...

For the record, I was the one who left the scissors out of the padlocked safe -- But also for the record, Will was the one on kid-duty. I blame him and he blames me and Annelie runs around telling everyone how beautiful she now looks. Great.
If I give her a serious comb-over, and use enough hair spray to super stick a 3rd world country, its almost not completely noticeable.

oh dear, your girls do know that mullets went out of style about 20 years before they were born, right?
ReplyDeleteI completely admire your ability to see the humor in this -- and your uncanny knack for making their, um, unconventional 'dos look cute as can be and like nothing's amiss! They've got plenty of creativity, like their momma!
ReplyDeleteI once cut the Peanut's bangs at such a sever angle (because she violently turned her head just as I went in for the cut) that I had to trim the whole bang to a 1/2" above her brow for it to be even. If we didn't have to go to a family wedding the following week I'd have left it but I told everyone that she was an art school hipster rocking out the 1/2 bang and that seemed to work.
ReplyDeleteTMC, ahaha, I've done that too!
ReplyDeleteLMAO! too funny!
ReplyDeleteOh no!
ReplyDeletePlease tell me tomorrow isn't picture day, at least. The Law of Averages says this always happens the day before picture day.
Wow. They really do like to get into the scissors, don't they??
ReplyDeleteWhile I'd die if it were my kids, it sure is funny to watch your kids do it! hehe
well at least that's one thing I don't have to worry about!! LOL I would cry though if it happened to me!! My scissors are locked away too though cos my boys would have a field day with them!!
ReplyDeletep.s. u did an amazing job covering it up!
haha, girls will be girls, I think they look adorable, who needs boring hair when you can be edgy!
ReplyDeletehey don't feel bad, I shaved my eyebrow off when I was 4 :-)
I mostly just love the look on her face in that last photo. "Mom, what did you do, now I look stupid." :oP
ReplyDeletetoo funny. My mom would have just let me walk around like that just like when I insisted on dressing myself through out grammer school. She let me go to school completely mis-matched ie..I was punky brewster before there was a punky brewster. Your girls are beautiful these are priceless memories to share for years to come.
ReplyDeleteCriminey Marisa! Obviously Annelie loved her sister's do so much she needed to have a turn :) The funniest thing is she looks no where near as upset as Gracie did! She actually looks proud of her work. I would say you need a rotary cutter instead, but I hate to think what they'd do with THAT!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh how I love having boys for this reason. A pair of scissors to the head in our house can be fixed with a buzz cut.
ReplyDeleteAlthough if I were you, I'd be seriously screaming, lol.
oh my, that is too funny. thankfully, my girls have never taken the scissors to their hair. they just go straight for the furniture. :-)