Saturday, September 19, 2009

Shiver Me Timbers!

Ahoy, ye scallywags and scurvey dogs! Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Don't be a lily-livered, son of a biscuit-eater, ye squiffy sprogs...

Just grab a mug 'o grog, give us a loud ARRRRRRRRRGH, and lets get loaded to the gunwales!


Cap'n Snobbery


  1. Aaaaaaarrrrrrr!!! I'll be needin some o that grog!! My wee ones are actin like scurvy dogs!

  2. Wow, I might have to bust out my Pirate to English dictionary to get through that post :) As an homage to piracy maybe I'll go online illegally download something!

  3. Have you seen the new pirate movie?It's rated "Arrrrr!"
    So, I'm watching America's Test Kitchen right now and they're testing electric water kettles. I'm obviously thinking of you...hahahaha :)

  4. Oh Jean, ahaha, thanks for thinking of me! I'm thinking of sharing that story here on my blog. I have to find the Bath Journal and read that again... its been a few years!
