Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Most Awesome Bike Jersey On The Planet

Okay, so perhaps I'm a little biased, but I'm flipping out over the bike jerseys that one of my customers had made up for team Alex's Angels who will race this summer in The Children's Hospital Courage Classic bike race in Denver, Colorado. Last summer I showed off the custom illustration I created for them, as well as explained their story and why they are racing (which you can read about here).

This year they are racing again and I got an email from Melisa, Alex's mother, with the sample shirt for their race.

Who would have thought this sloppy li'l sketch would go such a long way...

Last year's illustration...

And now this amazing bike jersey!

Did your jaw drop to the floor?

Mine did.

Absolutely beautiful! Good luck with the race this year, Alex's Angels!



  1. Oh my gosh, how cool! You must be so proud girl! Yay!!


  2. How awesome and honored you must feel!
    You have every reason to be proud, the little jersey is ADORABLE!

  3. Holy guacamole that's awesome! Can I have your autograph??? You are one crazy talented gal!

  4. Oh. My. Gawd. That totally rocks!!!

  5. That's awesome - just goes to show that one little idea can go a long way.

  6. WOW! WOW! WOW!

    It's got to be AMAZING to see your illustration like that. Congrats!
