Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Crock Pot Success and a Huge THANK YOU!

What's that you see? There - in the bowl, looking delicious?

Why that's some beef stew my crock pot made for me all by its little self.

And it was delicious!

Thank you to EVERYONE who left me favorite crock pot recipe links and blogs links, and emails and Facebook messages and Twitter tweets last week... I have been quite excited about my crock pot all over again and I wouldn't be excited without all your help!



  1. yum!! I need to use my crock pot more...can you share the recipe?

  2. OMG... That looks SOOOOOOOOO good (even at 9:15 in the morning!!)

  3. What no recipe? ; )

    Also, do remember the name/style/manufacturer of that dinner ware? I've been looking for something similar. : )

  4. Okay, I must admit I cheated a little... I bought a package of crock pot beef stew seasoning and all I did was add the veggies and meat and some water. :D So no recipe!! But I'm going to try out a recipe soon! I'm flipping out over all the recipes you all gave me!
