Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Flashback: Home Sweet Home

One year ago this week, we were packing to move into our very first house! It's crazy that we are now coming into our second year of memories in this home. Our first year was pretty amazing and I can only hope year two will be just as fantastic - if not more!

Have a flashback of your own to share? Head on over to Tia's blog and join in the fun!



  1. Wow, Marisa. This past year has FLOWN by. Lets have another crafty get together? Ive got more ornaments to make.

  2. Tia - YES!! I want to make holiday ornaments this year... and should get a head start, so lets get together soon!!

  3. I love all the pictures!!! And I love your front porch. So pretty! May you have many more happy years there!
    I can't wait to move and be in a new house. This packing and organizing is neverending!

  4. I love your house! I love the front porch. I am leaving my first house this month for a new house. It's kind of sad because I remember the excitement when it was a new house.

  5. AHHH, I remember the pecan discovery :) I'm still completely envious of your snow!! I can't believe we've been here in Texas THREE our house for two. Time just flies too fast!!

    Can I come and make ornaments??

  6. 4 season 1 home, nice pictures and a good sharing. It was not wasting time for me. Thanks.

  7. I just love your house! I can't believe it's been that long!

  8. I found your mermaid costume tutorial and it is so cute! I'm hosting a Costume Tutorial link up this week and I'd love if you'd stop by and link up!

  9. Such cuteness!! Many happy memories to you all!

  10. How sweet! Congrats! Your kids are adorable and I love your house :)
