On my very first date with Will, he picked me up at my host family's house in Bath, drove to Wales, his country, which I'd never been to before, and said as we stopped for lunch, "So, I... uh... bought you a present." (only he has a super cute accent, so picture Hugh Grant saying that. You can even add a 'gosh, crikey' to it because I KID YOU NOT, my hubs sometimes says 'gosh, crikey.' Although now that I think about it, that might just be his Hugh Grant impression... but I digress)
A present! I'd never been given a present on a first date before and I'm not going to lie - I was a little nervous. We met at the airport in Ireland the week before, and yeah, okay, we spent ten hours talking, but still, we didn't really know each other well and first presents can be a little nerve-wracking. I mean, what if it sucks? What if it's a shot glass and thong underwear like the first present my boyfriend gave me when I was a junior in high school?
Well, it wasn't a shot glass. And thankfully, it also wasn't a thong. It was a shirt. Not just any kind of shirt - it was a rugby shirt for the Wales rugby team.
At the time, I didn't realize just what a very big deal that was. I should have, of course. Girl meets cute guy. Guy gives girl present on first date. Present is a jersey to cheer on his favorite team, which, "oh, by the way, I'm seeing Wales play France in a Six Nations game in a couple weeks and will try to get you a ticket, if you want..."
Yeah, I didn't realize what a big deal that was. I'd like to chalk it up to our cultural differences, but really I'm sort of clueless. I think I probably said, "Oh, thanks! It's cute! And it actually matches my new handbag, which has red flowers and is sparkly!"
Well, two weeks later, I wore it to see Wales play France in the Six Nations game.
And half a year later, I was wearing it when we got engaged.
Last week, for Will's birthday, we went to a pub in Austin to watch Wales play England in the Six Nations game. We ate fish and chips slathered in salt, vinegar and ketchup. He drank a couple pints of Guinness and I had my pints of Strongbow. And seven years after he gave it to me, I donned my Wales shirt, which I wear all the time since I love it so much, and we cheered on our favorite rugby team.
Thanks, honey. I really do love that shirt!
Happy Friday, folks! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! As I turn the big 3-0 on Sunday... well, my weekend might not be so great because I'm reeeeeaaaally not ready to leave my twenties behind. But I will make up for it by eating enormous amounts of cupcakes.
Which will go straight to my 30-year-old hips...
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