Annelie's new favorite toy is a pair of Harry Potter-esque coke bottle glasses. She has an annoying fascination with the red rimmed frames I like to sport, so maybe she wears them in order to be more like her glasses-wearing mama. In any event, I think little kids with their eyes magnified 100 x by thick lenses is the cutest thing in the world. Remember that little kid from Jerry Maguire, with his adorable grin, love for trivia, and the biggest glasses on the face of the Earth? I just loved him. Needless to say, I get the biggest kick out of my 16 months old's big baby blues behind her huge coke bottles.
I have contacts, but lately I have been wearing my glasses exclusively. My husband is pretty happy about that. When I put them on, I think lazy convenience. He, however, thinks Sexy Librarian (bown chicka bown-bown) and drools with a wolfish grin on his face.
Guys are strange creatures.
For those of you who sport eye glasses, sun glasses, or coke bottle toy glasses, here are a few items you might enjoy from some fabulous Etsy sellers!
I am loving the eyeglasses chains found in BeadDEyes's shop. She has a fabulous eye for putting together lovely little beads, in order to make chains that look less like something your grandmother would wear (unless she is super chic, like mine) and more like something a Vogue fashionista would wear.Sexy librarians, eat your heart out! You can find all of these chains and more at
We all know lenses scratch easily, so finding glasses protection is a must. I love the cases found in the shop Greedy Goretti. This Elegant Posy case is my personal favorite, but it was hard to choose, as there is a nice selection of super cute cases.You can find this case and a whole assortment of others at
And if you prefer your glasses to be of the super hero mask variety, celebrate them with this Crafty Super Hero Print from The Dreamy Giraffe. I'm loving this little brown haired, bangs sporting, blue-eyed crafter. She looks just like me!
And of course, I never craft without my trusty cape.
You can find this print, as well as a huge selection of cute little ladies with style, attitude, and imagination at
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Hey, Four-Eyes!
All About Me,
My Girly Girls
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LOL, Annelie is too cute! Love all of the eyeglass finds. Maybe I would be a more productive crafter if I wore my cape too. Thanks for reminding me. ;o)
Wonderful post! Who knew that glasses could be so sexy ;)
Aw she is so cute in the glasses.
I don't wear them but I remember when I first saw my husband (then boyfriend) in his. He busted them out when we were going on a day trip (long drive) and I was like, "Oooh you're so cute!"
Like Clark Kent. LOL
Awwwww.... those glasses are so cute on Annalie! Though I think that has more to do with Annalie than the glasses. She could wear a potato sack and be cute. :)
My older daughter started wearing glasses when she was 16 months old. It was a necessity, but the glasses looked so adorable, I'm sure people thought we were just over-accessorizing her. When my other daughter (20 months younger) noticed the glasses, she got really upset because we wouldn't "let" her have cool stuff like her big sister. I finally had to resort to buying her some kiddie sunglasses and punching out the lenses.
Despite my long use of bifocals, somehow I have never incited sexy-librarian passion. Dang it.
She is too cute...Zane got a pair of HUGE play glasses for christmas...I failed to get any pics of them in 'em tho...drats!!! Ow yeaah...and you with your glasses, is your hair up in a bun by'll have to do the bun release with the slow head shake...remove the glasses...da na na na naaaaa chh!!! You made me giggle...are you settling in to your new digs? Hope so...un-packing is so much more fun than packing and you get to play decorator and put your stuff up in new places, I'm weird, I like to mix it up once in awhile. When I was a kid I would make a "blueprint" of my room and how I could re-arrange it and then I would do it for fun.
Take care,
Rowan Willow
aka Tiffany
Haha! Right when I saw the photo, I said to myself HARRY! Haha! I guess you think the same thing too! ;)
That Dreamy Giraffe sketch DOES look like you!!! :)
Great, now everyone's going on about how sexy glasses are...I have gone and lasered the need for mine away! lol
Will have a new post up soon - have been snowed under making different things for people :)
Hope you are settling in well to your new place!
Hahahaha - I'm pretty sure your husband and my husband should get together - Mike has the same weird fetish where as I am just waaaaaay too lazy for contacts!
Guess what?!?! You won my contest! Congratulations! Stop by the blog to see!
lol, Annelie is such a cutie!
Always a joy to see the little ones..I just love the pictures.
Great finds on Etsy..
I just love your blogs!
lol that makes me think of a pic of my "little" (yea, he's 6' 3" lol) brother when he was about that age, sporting the mr. potato head glasses ;)
Annalie is so adorable, and the glasses only enhance that feature! Love this post.
My oldest, Zach, had to get his glasses with very thick lenses at the age of 2 1/2. Now that he's 5, they are just part of who he is. But at the time, I was so sad because I love to take pictures, especially of my kids, and it's really hard to always get good pics of people with glasses because of reflections. Sometimes I get lucky.
My husband and I both stopped wearing our contact lenses and only wear our glasses since he got his because we didn't want him to get the idea that "when you want to look nice, you don't wear your glasses."
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