I've been jumping up and down (for joy) because Etsy announced the finalists for their Handmade Kids Challenge, which they have been talking about on their blog, The Storque for the last month and a half... and Elegant Snobbery made the cut!
I entered my Hello, Friend! 10 x 10 print and was so thrilled to see it amongst the 40 finalists in the art category.
The winners in each category win a $200 etsy shopping spree and everyone who votes in the contest is entered to win one of 14 $350 etsy shopping sprees! Woot woot!
If you are interested in voting, and you have an Etsy account, be sure to click this link!
My competition is fierce, as there are 39 other wonderful pieces of art in my category, so be sure to vote for the one you love best. And if it is my print, well here is a great big huge

Congrats Elegant - I love your style! You really do deserve to be in amongst such talented artists!!
OMG! OMG! SEE how much you rock!
*running over to vote...and muttering because they'll probably only let me vote once*
Wow! What an honor! I would be so excited!
You are certainly humble about it-I would be demanding everyone go vote for me if you're really my friend! (J/K!)
Congrats and I will be voting for you!
Ahhh thats so AWESOME!!! Congrats!!
But honestly, its not really a surprise because you ROCK!
Ok... off to vote :-)
YEa for you!! Good luck, If it was up to me you win.
Yay! Yay! Yay!!! I'm so excited for you! And...I voted for you :)
Congratulations!! How wonderful - but no surprise. Your work is beautiful. :)
wow!! Congratulations!!
it really is a lovely print!
fingers crossed! - I hope you win!
How fun! CONGRATS!
oooh I hope you win!!!
I'm so happy for you! You should be jumping up and down! I voted for you.
I am so happy for you and I voted..
Lots of luck, he is so cute..Your doing good with your drawings..proud of you..
Lovely work. I'm off to check out your shop. Good luck.
*yay!* that's great! congrats! on my way to vote! :)
And maybe the little ones are right and we're wrong...because Kaylee's Kyrone is also Tyrone from the Backyardigans. :)
YAY!!! Congratulations!!! Wow! A shopping spree on Etsy!!!!! I am off to vote....
Congrats! That's fabulous and well-deserved. My vote's in for sure!
Wow! Congratulations! What an honor! I'm going to go vote!
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