So, I'm going to toot my own horn here for a minute, because, after typing 141 pages (aka 50,000 words) for NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month - I feel completely entitled.
Yup, that's right. I DID IT!! Whooo boy, I'm exhausted. This has been the longest month of my life, as my days have all been from 8am until 3am. I think I will need a solid week of hibernation to recover.
I have to say with complete honesty, that if it wasn't for you lovely and encouraging readers and all the comments you left me throughout the month, there would have been no way I could have finished.
Especially not last week, when I was thousands of words away from being done and I hit a brick wall. My sweet, funny and tough-as-nails main character turned on me. Completely out of the blue, without giving me anytime for preparation, she morphed into a wimpy character I didn't like. I was crushed and it took me days to figure her out.
Between popping endless sheets of virtual bubble wrap {CLICK HERE} and watching goofy, random videos on YouTube { you've gotta CLICK HERE} - I'm the ultimate time-waster - I sat down and had a chat with her. I'd previously known everything about her, from her favorite band (Jack's Mannequin) to her favorite food (Fettuccine Alfredo). I thought I knew how she would handle any situation that came her way... but I didn't and she became a stranger to me. When you are trying to crank out hundreds of pages about a character, it helps if you know them, ya know? And I was ready to quit until I got more encouragement from all of you to keep on typing. So I did.
Luckily, after three days of character soul searching and pages and pages and pages of deletions (arrrgh!), she got over her funk and morphed back into the girl I knew and loved. Hurray. I was off and it didn't take long to knock out the last 15,000 words.
My story is far from being done. I still have about 50-75 thousand more words to go, and then I have a million years of hardcore editing when that is done. Remember I said before that I have never written a book and I have no idea what I'm doing? I meant that.
But I'm still feeling pretty awesome. Here are some Etsy items that sum up my feelings of awesomeness.

- Junk Yard Greetings by Carol Lee Designs
And yes, I DO expect a parade! Bring on the marching band!
Congrats on completing Nano! You should definitely be proud. :)
Congrats Marisa! Woot woot!!!
You go girl!!
Can ya hear the obnoxious birthday whistle I'm blowin' spit out of - in yer honor? This is NO SMALL FEAT!
Oh Yay! You should feel great for starting something, setting a goal, and reaching it! Way to go!
toot, toot, toot! That's me playing my trumpet for you!
Way to go!
Completely awesome! Congratulations!!
Congrats sweetie, that's so awesome!!! Much deserved kudos for you!!
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