Today, my newborn baby is two. That just blows my mind. Little Annelie Cecelia is no longer a teeny tiny baby.... I shouldn't feel so surprised, but somehow I am.
After having the quietest pregnancy, she came into the world even quieter. Nothing made her happier than a cuddle, and she pretty much slept for the first four months straight.
But she isn't quiet anymore. She woke up one day, and woke up with a vengeance, and has been keeping us on our toes ever since. Last months black eye - from nosediving off the back of the couch - and last weekends lip stitches - from using a tricycle as a stepping stool - shows me that Annelie is fearless, always ready for adventure, and that I'll probably expect... a few more adventures that will leave us all in the emergency room.And though I've been saying that she's had the 'terrible twos' for months now, as biting and scratching and shouting the word "NO!" after every question she is asked and every cuddle or term of endearment she is given, has been the story of her life, it doesn't make it any less shocking when I go to the store to pick out her presents and realize that I'm not shopping for generic baby toys any longer. I'm actually picking out toys because I know she'll like them.
She has a strong personality, full of passionate loves and powerful dislikes. She LOVES Barney, farms, Barney on the Farm, bubble baths, and baby dolls. She dislikes green beans, wearing socks, cuddling unless it is on her terms only, and not being allowed to color on the walls.And though I spend the majority of our time together saying "No, Annelie!" and "Stop, Annelie!" and "Say you're sorry, Annelie!" and "Pulling hair is NOT NICE, Annelie!".... it still makes me happy that she is growing up into an adorable little girl with a fiery personality.
As she turns two, and enters a new stage of life with plenty of discovery and more than enough 'no's,' 'dont's' and 'stop's' being called to her - I can't help thinking of the Shel Silverstein poem,
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be."

So cute! And you can tell by looking at her that she's going to grow up to be really beautiful!
Happy Birthaday to your cute little-big girl!!
Enjoy every day, every hour, every second with her!!
Happy birthday sweetie!!
Happy Birthday Annelie!
2 is a fun year, lots of fun and personality! Enjoy it!!
She is so adorable..have a great birthday Annelie!
awww, Happy Birthday, Annelie!!! (go ahead and be naughty, your mom likes it)
Happy Birthday Annelie!
Time flies, doesn't it? My newborn is 11 months and learning to walk - it doesn't seem possible!
I just tried to leave a comment and got an error so sorry if I repeat myself.
Thank you for sharing with all of us. Happy birthday sweet girl!
So cute! Happy Birthday! Enjoy her energy, lol! You'll need your sleep!
What a sweet tribute! Happy Birthday to you terrible two girl! I like to take deep breaths and remind myself that curiosity is a good thing as is loads of activity. I wouldn't want a lump for a child, now would I? Whoops, looks like Ethan is getting into something again. Better run. Hugs to everyone!
Oh Annelie is adorable!! Happy Birthday to your baby girl!
This post could have been written about Daniel...I agree with you that even though most of the time I'm saying "No" and "Stop" and "Dont", I secretly love the fact that he has such a great personality. Much better than a boring child right? lol
She's so adorable! Happy Birthday, Annelie!!
Happy Birthday Miss Annelie! Looks like that baby girl is going to have a grand adventure growing up!
Cute kid and very good looking blog too!
What a lovely post! And what a lovely little girl. I'm sure she takes after her mum.
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