Gracie has four very best friends. Their names are Lucy and Susan and Peter and Edmund. No matter where Gracie goes, her best friends are right behind her. Poor Lucy has a hurt foot. Gracie isn't sure how it happened, but it is constantly bleeding. Peter's favorite food is spaghetti, so he is always eating it. Susan is Gracie's very, very best friend because she likes her the best, and Edmund's favorite activity is art.
Her Chronicles of Narnia companions appeared in our lives about three weeks ago. She was following me around one day while I was tidying up the house, cooking lunch, packaging orders... much as she usually does.
"Can you play with me, now, Mom?" I heard on repeat every 35 seconds.
"Go play with your sister, Gracie," I kept saying. She didn't want to, of course. Who can blame her? Annelie doesn't share her toys and is constantly biting and scratching - not much fun as a playmate.
"Why don't you go play with Soren Lorenson?" I asked. (Soren Lorenson is Lola's imaginary friend in the show Charlie and Lola aka The Only Cartoon I Can Tolerate). Well, he is good enough for Lola, so it was worth a shot.
"Soren Lorenson is just make-believe," Gracie sensibly replied.
*sigh* "Just give me 5 more minutes, please." I was begging at this point.
And that was when Lucy and Susan and Edmund and Peter came into our lives. They haven't left. When Gracie eats macaroni and cheese for lunch, she asks, "Where is Peter's bowl?" He has one, Gracie. It's just invisible. "Mom, I need a band-aid. Lucy's foot is bleeding again and she is crying." Here you go, Gracie. An invisible band-aid. Perfect.
Gracie plays with them constantly. She used to spend all of her time treading on my heels as she followed me around. Now, the five of them spend hours playing in her room. I'm not gonna lie... I love it. And not just because I don't have a 3 year old shadow trailing me at all times, but because I'm really seeing her imagination coming out. She knows they are just make-believe. She isn't having delusions, I promise. But she is happily creating a world for herself and her very best "friends" and it is so much fun to watch the adventures they have unfold.
She reminds me a lot of myself as a little girl, actually. I spent hours playing with my fairy friends, as I built them a village of their own on our sideyard. The neighborhood kids were all boys and if it wasn't for my imagination and the "friends" I created for myself, I would have been pretty lonely.
I don't expect Annelie to be a rotten little stinker of a playmate for too much longer. I have high hopes that my daughters will happily play together soon. But in the meantime, I don't mind the new Narnia residents who have come to visit. They certainly make life interesting!
For imaginary friend lovers everywhere, here are a few items from Etsy that you might just love!This Imaginary Friend Suit coloring book, from Simpson, is absolutely adorable. We have two of them and the girls love coloring in the 24 little imaginary friend suit wearing characters.

Oh I think it's wonderful that her imagination can just run wild like that!
My daughter had an imaginary friend at 3, too. His name was Burla. He is a troublemaker. She evened it out with Jachil, the nice one. Sometimes we had to walk Burla to the door and send him out, he was so bad!
Imaginary friends are proof of intelligence and creativity. Good for you to embrace it and to support it.
How sweet is that?! :)
enjoy it while it lasts...
very's great that Gracie has such a wonderful imagination! Maybe Annelie will get jealous and improve her playmate ways! hee hee both your girls are soooo cute :)
What a wonderful imagination Gracie has! Zach never had an imaginary friend. It sounds like so much fun to watch. I love that you are writing about it. Are you a scrapbooker? That would make a great scrapbook page!!
We just watched Chronicles (The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe) again last night. I love watching it when there is snow on the ground outside!
Hmmmmm... I think Autumn needs to find some imaginary friends to play with!!! Take a lesson from Gracie!!
Awww How cute! Consider yoourself really oldest two boys claim they HAVE no imagination. *rolls eyes* lol
You know, it was funny..You have been on my mind today..I kept thinking I have to check out your blog..You have to excuse me, I have been terrible checking everyone's blogs all winter..The cold/snow was really getting to me..I just sat by the pellet stove and knitted..
Very cute blog and enjoyed being here again..Will be back sooner..
Happy weekend.
How stinkin sweet!
I had a twin sister growing up, so I never even thought of having an imaginary friend. Wow - Gracie has 4!
Your blog looks great!
what a lovely post, your daughter sound very creative just like her mum.
Ahh... the beautiful imagination of a child. I often wonder what all we'd be capable of if we retained that much imagination as adults!
I'm sorry hear that Lucy's foot is constantly bleeding! lol
What a great imagination she has and I love all the etsy items you chose!
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