I was playing around with some sketches the other day and I thought they were a little too irresistible to leave in sketch format... I just had to color them in.
So here are a couple of little prints for my I Heart You collection (named by Holly. Thank you Holly! - BTW, Holly is having a giveaway, too, so run right over {HERE} and enter!):

I have a bunch more sketches, with all sorts of awesome hats and little stuffed, squishable, squeezable, lovable animals... but first, how 'bout another giveaway? It'll be a good one, I promise.
GIVEAWAY (yay!) :
From today, until next Friday (June 5th), leave a comment letting me know what you heart, be it cats, rainbows, sunflowers, jelly beans... just let me know what you heart, heart, and heart some more (and mean it sincerely!) and you will be entered to win:
An original custom 5 x 7 I Heart You illustration.
That's right, original. Design it around your own little kid, a kid you know, yourself as a kid, your significant other as a kid, your grandma as a kid, your brother as a kid... I think you get the idea. Basically, whomever you want.
You get to pick the hair color, skin color, squishable, squeezable, lovable stuffed animal, awesome hat (to match the animal, of course) and illustration color palette. It will be yours, all yours (except for the rights to reproduce your image. That will still be mine, all mine, as image copyright does not transfer from me to you). I'll be adding some limited prints of your illustration to ye old shoppe, but the original -- that'll be yours.
PLEASE leave a way to contact you, via Etsy shop, email address, or blog, in the event that you are my winner!
Looking to add multiple entries? Shout this giveaway out to everyone you know, via Twitter, Facebook, or on your own blog. Let me know how you promoted this giveaway and I'll add more entries to the pot. Just leave me the link in a comment here, so I'll be able to count it.
Max 4 entries per person.
So, tell me, please. What do you heart?
Hi, I have chosen your blog to receive the "Lovely Blog Award". Please see today's blog post for the details. Just click on the award on my blog to copy and paste the award to your blog.
love the blog! You can check mine out and enter the giveaway here!
Love the new pictures. So bright and happy. I would have to say what I love the most Is, days filled with sunshine with just a little breeze.
I heart penguins! especially the pittsburgh-y kind. :)
I heart EVRYTHING in your shop!!! I could seriously go broke!!
What I really heart (this shouldn't be any surprise to you!!) is tattoos!!! My b-day is coming soon so I'll have some new ink to show for it!! This would be a lovely little b-day surprise too!!
I heart pink elephants...not the kind you see when you drink too much...they really cute kind! I do not know why, but I love them! With long eyelashes and beautiful big eyes.... Great giveaway!
Hi! I awarded you the Lovely Blog Award! Have a look at my blog to see it!
Oh my gosh Marisa I MUST win this giveaway! The giveaway gods are on my side!!!
PS: I SO had a pair of golashes that looked exactly like that when I was a lil kiddo!!
What do I heart??? Sock monkeys! More particularly you're sock monkeys! And Garden Gnomes :)
These are adorable, Marisa! I heart lots of things, hmmm. Poppies, hydrangeas, bluebirds, butterflies and even dandelions to name a few!
I heart andrew, especially when he's sleeping ;)
I heart springtime, my garden, lilac bushes...and my mostly precious little girls.
I heart chocolate covered strawberries! Your prints are adorable... I heart them too!
I was going to say cheesecake, but that is far too obvious as are sparklies...so I'll have to go with flowers. I'm a floral addict.
So...I left a link on my Facebook and put a blog button (made it!) on my blog. I HAVE to win this...so I'm taking advantage of any entry I can get!!
I heart butterflies!
hmm... I heart ice cream :)
I heart my BFF in Texas! I heart you too, Marisa. :o)
Lately, I've been hearting birds, so yeah, love birds. And lovin' those froggie rainboots!
I bloggered about it. :o)
Yay, giveaway! Me wants it! What a cute little series! Me hearts it!
I heart wabbits, bunnies, thumpers...whatever you call 'em...cute fuzzy little guys...
I tweeted this: http://twitter.com/MrsDragon
: )
Also, I love:
I don't "love" but think would be really cute:
Oh this one is soooo up my alley - i absolutely 100% with all of me heart HIPPOS!!!! (yes you read that right) I LOVE them - I have been collecting them for years - I have figurines, hair clips, wooden carvings, soft toys, clothes, jewelry, plates and bowls, even a hippo quilt cover and a hippo potty!! they are all over my house and hippo was one of my daughters first words - LOL!
Blogged all about it!!
And a tweet too!
I heart daisies! Ever since I saw them used as a theme in a Martha Stewart Wedding magazine over 11 yrs ago I have been hooked. They were my theme in my wedding 11 years ago this July. =D
I heart my daughter and her two big adorable slobbery doddies (aka "doggies")
I of course heart your sweet illustrations too!
Tweeted too - http://twitter.com/koriandkate
I heart butterflies, is my entry! And I LOVE your illustrations! I actually have you as a featured artist on my blog! (so, yes..I blogged about your giveaway as well!) How many entries do I qualify for? LOL
Here's the link: http://2livelovecreate.blogspot.com/2009/06/featured-artist-elegant-snobbery.html
Have a great day!
OMG those are so adorable!!
What i heart is frogs! I love any and all of them!! My house is full of frog items!
I have added your site to my sidebar
I tweeted about the giveaway here
Thanks for the chance to win!!
I love ALL of your drawings of course!! But Iove daisies, palm trees, the beach, summer sun, fleur de lis, I could go on and on.....
What a fun Giveaway Idea Marisa!!!
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