(my kitchen cabinet)When you are just about to cook up some egg sandwiches for lunch, and then the phone rings... it is a very,
very bad idea to leave the room to answer it.
Especially when your 2.5 year old is hell-bent on making your life as difficult as humanly possible.
Just sayin'

oh nooooooo I can only imagine what happened...I feel for you, I really do...I am sitting here laughing though as I picture the awful mess you found...if you ever need a vacay, flights to vegas are really cheap =o)
Oh no Marisa....My neices can top that....they decided one day that Mom needed a cake ...she was having bad day...she was in basement sorting laundry and they added a dozen eggs, and anything else they could get in fridge to bucket of flour and turned on mixer!!!! Wish I had pictures but would not want to be there...lol..KIDS!!!
Marisa, stop scaring me! You know I'm gonna have two about two years apart and I have no idea how I'm going to take care of the baby with a crazy 2 year old running around doing stuff like this!
What an adorable baby!!! Yucky mess though.....Surprise!!!!
Oy! I think you officially get the prize for craziest kid!!!
And she pulls off the look of innocence so well. Our two terrors seem to be really good at that. The look of "Wha'. I didn't do nothin'." Stinkers.
Uh Oh! That sweet angel would never do anything wrong! LOL
Aren't kids the best...you never know what they'll do next :)
that did make me laugh, mostlr because it brings back very similar memories - mine invloved a 2lb bag of sugar, my portfolio of art work & a baby pacifier!!! a very "sticky" situation. thanks for the laughs
Seriously dude...have you checked for the "666" somewhere on that scalp?? Boy can that child take naughty to all new heights! She is awful cute though :)
oh no!...oh well... at least you can laugh about it now.. and you got a cute pic out of it.. heehee. ;)
aww...too cute..sorry its such a mess, but that picture is too cute..hehe
ohh and I just wrote a new post and you have a featured part in it..check it out darling..:D
Hahaahhaa!!! I know your pain sister! I have a 2.5 year old hell raiser(in the sweetest sense!!) also and my days are very, very full!
Gotta love em. :)
lmao cute!
Oh my goodness!! That looks exactly like something Lane would do. Thank goodness he hasn't, though. I feel so bad for you! Bless your heart!
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