Thank you all so much for all the finger-crossing, prayers, and well wishes... we are so excited we can hardly see straight. Next on our list of things to-do: have the inspection done on the house... and then we can close within the month. Wow, so exciting!
So, I have to share, because it is completely appropriate and very hilarious - I drew this picture when I was 10, of what I expected my future to be like. It had an essay attached, which I unfortunately lost, but I still remember the fact that I wanted to be a colonial farmer living in Williamsburg, Virginia (I was a very... shall we say 'unusual'.... 10 year old, just in case you were wondering).

I may or may not be putting a ginormous bow on my house-to-be (leaning toward the may not side), but I can't wait to scour every craft room photo and little girl's room photo that flickr has to offer, as I gather ideas for how I'm going to decorate my place. I actually get to paint the walls any color I like! Wooooot!
Please keep those well wishes coming as we get all the house stuff sorted and I'll keep you posted! Eeeeeee, I'm so excited!
I am so, so, so excited and happy for you!!!
Congratulations! that's the best news I've heard all day. I am so happy for you and your family :-)
Sooooooooooo excited for you! You must've been on the brain last night, cause I had a dream about asking you if you got the house!! You worked as a make-up artist in a hair salon... Yes, I know I have WEIRD dreams!
So cool!!!! I'm so happy for you. The universe wanted you to have that home :) Now...the move...oh...and you need to buy a lawnmower!! Oh yes...and I'd love to see you churn butter...hee hee
CONGRATULATIONS! We just moved into our very own house this past May and it is the best feeling in the world.
Start collecting those paint swatches!
Best of Luck in your new home.
Hooray!! Congrats - I am so happy for you and your family! I love the picture too - thanks for sharing it :)
Yay! Congrats, and have fun with your new place!
Oh my gosh Marisa, you must be just jumping up and down, even in your sleep! I'm sure all will go well with the inspection, don't be afraid to ask them to fix things as part of your offer too...
Yayyyyy!!!! ♥ Next I want to hear about what color you're going to paint your craft room. I've been debating this one myself for some time now. (still haven't done it yet, gah!)
I am soooo excited for you!! Woot Woot!!
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