I'm the four-year-old princess with the glittery crown on the end. I've been to one Halloween Party in my life. I'm not taking college Halloween parties, where we hung around the keg in our slutty nurse outfits - those don't really count... I'm talking proper Halloween party with bobbing for apples and kids running around with skeleton cupcakes and candied apples. Paper ghosts scotch-taped to the glass window - a must!
mmmm.... nice and hygienic. I was in preschool when my mom threw this Halloween party for my brother and me, and all of our school friends and families. Even now, 24 years later, when someone mentions a Halloween party, this night is what I think of.

My mom sewed our costumes that year. I wanted to be a pink princess. My big brother was a bat. You just gotta love those streamers dangling from the ceiling. Nothing says party like streamers taped to the ceiling.

While we're flashing back, lets all stop and marvel at the flowered wall paper for a moment.
Fantastic, isn't it?
Its funny seeing photos of me from when I was the age that Gracie is now. I remember this party so clearly, even things that didn't make it into the four remaining photos I have left of that night. I often wonder what Gracie will remember about being four. Hopefully her memories will be happy ones!
Do you have a flashback to share? Hop on the bandwagon and head over to Tia's blog at
www.ChristopherandTia.blogspot.com for some Friday Flashback fun.

Love the pictures! Isn't it funny the moments that remain in our minds forever. ♥
I have a picture I've been thinking about digging up for halloween, I'll have to go get it, since I haven't blogged yet today.
Happy Friday Love!
wow! how awesome! I think the only old Halloween pictures I would be able to find are from high school.
Um yeah...I was in the 9th grade in 1985 (old Geezer alert). I don't think I have any retro Halloween pics of myself. I've never been able to abscond them from my mom. Looks like you guys were having the happening party though!!
Cute post - I remember that party well!!!
Loved the whole 70's decor - gold, brown and avocado green :) In my defense... I wasn't responsible for the wallpaper, and think I took it down shortly after the party.
Is that a chocolate brown fridge I spy in photo #2! That's HOT!
I may just have to participate next week. I gotta go see if I can dig up any old photos... I think there's a giant box somewhere
Great pics but I just got totally depressed when you say you were 4 in 1985!
Love looking back. I wonder if our kids are going to do these types of posts with our photos of them.
love flashbacks - this was a cool one. you look a bit like gracie - or is it annelie - in the first photo!
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