Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gracie's First Haircut

There has been a blank page in Gracie's baby book, entitled: "First Haircut" just waiting to be filled for two and a half years. Gracie's hair does not grow!!

Last night my heart pretty much stopped beating when I discovered her hiding with a pair of my scissors in her hand. Her eyes widened with surprise when she saw me, and she immediately threw the scissors down and said very sternly, "No touching Mommy's scissors!!!"

She certainly did not take her own advice, however. Entire clumps from the top of her head had already been removed. And because she ended up with what could only be described as a "Tennessee Waterfall" mullet, you know-- buzzed on top and flowing down the back-- I had to do some clean up snips.

Poor Gracie. She has been punished all day, as people confuse her with a boy. One little girl even went so far as to stomp her little feet and shout, "Yes you ARE A BOY!" Poor Gracie didn't know what to do except calmly say, "No, I'm not a boy. I'm a girl. I'm Gracie." She was horribly confused and spent the rest of the afternoon telling me that she was not a girl, she was a boy.

I am now in the process of making headbands with interchangeable clips so Gracie can cover up her little mess as best she can. She seems very happy with her "princess headband" at the moment.

Here is a little before and after:

I guess all I can do is smile. And hide the scissors.

For bad haircuts everywhere, here is a little tribute:

This note card by Studio Lolo just cracks me up. It is the perfect thing to give someone you know who is suffering from a bad haircut!

You can find this card at

For when you really need to just cover it up, head on over to Boring Sidney and pick up one of these darling and daring hats. You are sure to distract others from your hair.

Especially if you are wearing this one.

You can find these gorgeous hats, cloches, and headdresses at

And of course, when you want declare your bad hair day to the world, here is the perfect pin.

You can find this pin at



Crafty Mama said...

Oh sweetie, I feel your pain! My beautiful 4 year old has hacked her hair up three times already. Hopefully a career in cosmetology is in her future.

Love & Squalor Designs said...

My sister once cut her hair and then blamed it on me...when that didn't fly with our mom, she said the cat had cut it for her.

Melanie said...

Great post! Love the pictures! Cute little girl!

Cathy said...

oh, poor gracie! but on the positive side, she looks very chic with that cute little headband! It's a story for when she's older...

Candice said...

Oh my gosh! What a story! This will definitely be a good one for when she gets older! My aunt shaved off one of her eyebrows the day kindergarten started and my grandmother had to fill in her eyebrow with an eye pencil every morning for months! The things kids do to themselves! The headbands are adorbale though!

Amy Herbst said...

OMGosh..., but doesn't she look so adorable with that little flowered hairband :).

Sarah Ridgley said...

she looks so cute with the headband! i cant believe anyone could mistake such an adorable girl for a boy!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - what a cute story. I think Gracie's new haircut is adorable! Thank you for stopping by my blog.

T.Allen said...

she is still adorable...the bad haircut is a rite of passage for us's just a bit more socially acceptable when you're 4! :)

Giggleberry (Amy) said...

That last pic is a gorgeous photo - even if it is a 'bad hair day'

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