I'm back on an ACEO kick. I just can't help myself.
For those of you who are not familiar with ACEOs (or ATCs), they stand for Art Card Editions and Originals or Art Trading Cards, and measure 2.5 x 3.5 inches. They are wonderful little collectibles and the perfect way to own original work without breaking the bank. They are also highly addictive to make and highly addictive to collect!
I love getting my fingers messy with collages. These little things are very satisfying and don't take hundreds of hours to put together. Plus, they are so tiny they can just fit in your pocket. I am a firm believer that tiny things are the cutest things.
I have also been itching to use the vintage children images that I purchased from Art-e-ology a while back.

This ACEO is made with a vintage mermaid children illustration and text from a children's book published in 1908. Embellished with acrylic paint, ink, pencil, rub on word and Swarovski crystals. This one is my personal favorite, as I am a mermaid collector. I secretly hope no one buys this one, so I can covet it forever!!

If you have never made an ACEO before, you gotta try it! Throw your inhibitions to the wind, pull out whatever art supplies, glue, glitter, whatever you have and play around. You just might become an ACEO addict, too!
These are great, I think I'm going to have to give this a try.
It certainly is tempting to both start collecting and creating.
Ohhh those are lovely and so sweet! I keep eyeing ACEO's up... I may have to start a collection!
Just wanted to say Hi & I LOVE these! I am constantly amazed by your productivity... especially with two little ones running around. Keep it up!
Are these actually drawn right onto the small sized paper? Obviously, I know nothing about art, so please forgive me if this is a silly question!
That's awesome! I don't think I knew about those... but perhaps I should add some to the shop???
you are like the ultimate crafter! i love all your ideas, you're so clever Marisa. :) they're all totally precious but i love the mermaid one alot too!
Greetings. This is my first visit here...I just LOVE your work...it's great. I've always wanted to try these aceo's...Yours are lovely.
you have done it again - great ACEO's - really love them!
They are adorable!
What an interesting project.
They are really nice and you did a great job.
nice ACEOs, I haven't made any in a while :( but hopefully soon! :)
keep up the good work sista!
Hahaha! I am so glad your daughter liked him! ;) I laughed my head off too! So did my girlfriends!! He is rather a sweetheart, is he not?!
Hahaha! I am so glad your daughter liked him! ;) I laughed my head off too! So did my girlfriends!! He is rather a sweetheart, is he not?!
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