Wednesday, May 28, 2008

All Packed and Ready to Go... Sort of.

We move this weekend.

Normally, I'd be really relieved that everything is done and ready to go.... but we still don't have a new place to live and the paperwork for getting our current lease transferred to another tenant hasn't been completed.

Yes, I am freaking out. And the best part, is we are moving to Abilene. That would be Abilene, Texas. "Why in the world would you ever choose Abilene?" Some people ask. Everyone else just jumps in and says, "No way. Don't do it. Don't move to Abilene."

Hmmm... too late. My husband is being transferred with a promotion, so it is going to be good for us, but really we'd love to be in California again. Or maybe Portland, Oregon which is a place we both would really love to live eventually.

But no, instead we will be homeless in Abilene and paying rent for our apartment in Austin. The good news is, Gracie and Annelie are now handling this moving business like pros, unlike a month ago when life was one big nightmare. That is good. I'm so stressed out I want to curl up and die until it is all over.

Think happy thoughts for us. We applied to rent a house in Abilene and it is a really cute three bedroom with a large fenced in backyard in a nice(ish) neighborhood. Man, do I want that house!!


Annie Howes said...

Oh, that's stressful indeed. I know it will all work out all right in the end, but getting to the end is the hard part, especially when your whole world is packed up in a truck somewhere.

Wish you ALL the best with this move.


Anonymous said...

Oh Marisa- a BIG HUG and Happy thoughts are being sent your way. I am sure things will work out great in the end. It will be like a whole new adventure for you and the family.

Love the girls in the moving box- never thought of sending my kids that way. ;oP


Anne said...

Thinking good thoughts for you!! Here's to the house coming through, your lease being transferred without hassle, and finding a way to love your new hometown. Who knows, maybe Abilene will surprise you. Stranger things have happened.

Rowan Willow said...

Happy thoughts...happy thoughts...happy thoughts. Marisa, I really hope you get the house for your little fairies! Also for mommy I'm sending ENERGY...lots and lots of energy...for daddy I'm sending strength...lots and lots of strength, for the little fairies I'm sending patience and imagination to keep them occupied and out of mom and dads hair, and for all of you I'm sending white light to keep you safe during your travels to Abilene (right?!?) Be safe, and happy move (is there such a thing as a "happy" move).

Rowan Willow
aka Tiffany

Rosebud Collection said...

Don't you worry, it will all turn out good..Always enjoy seeing the little ones..

Lorissa J. Longfellow said...

I know how stressed I am about moving this weekend and by tonight, hopefully, the paperwork will be finished on the house and we will not be homeless.

My thought are with you and your family wishing you all the best.
I know your application will go though, and a week from now you will be settled again (or at least almost.)

Kristi said...

There must be something good at the end of all this. We are going through unemployment and being hit with a lawsuit from an auto accident from 2 year ago. I am trying to stop freaking out and start giving it to God. Best to you, hope things will work out.

Leah said...

thinking happy thoughts for you - hope you get the house you want!

New England Quilter said...

Oh, i hope that you get the house!! Your daughters get cuter every day!

((happy thoughts))

Denise Felton said...

OMG! Look at your wee ones! You gave me a major flashback to when my girls (20 months apart) were that small.

Hang in there, girlfriend. One day at a time. And maybe a caipirinha or two along the way to ease the stress. :)

Marie said...

Oh, I can completely understand why you may be stressed! I hope it all works out for you...will be keeping you and your family in my prayers.:)

Anonymous said...

Good luck friend!! I know that moving can be a very strenuous and stressful time! You will do great! And think of it as chance to start over! A fresh clean start for summer!

Mixed Species said...

You will make Abilene your own Austin/Portland in no time! Good luck from all of us!

Carry Grace said...

Marisa, I know this is hard right now, all of the unknown, but I'm sure it will all work out. ((hugs))

Oh Mandie said...

What is it that makes bubble wrap so freaking irresistable to kids.... and certain adults (such as myself) too?

Maybe you should just sit down for a few minutes and take a break and pop some bubble wrap... it helps me :-)

sending you love and happy vibes! Theres always a rainbow after the storm!

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