Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hello, Friend!

I still think Gracie's hedgehog (seen here) is cuter than mine, but here is my new illustration, all finished and ready for some loving. 10 x 10 and 8 x 8 sized prints will be added to the shop on Monday afternoon for my shop update.

When I was visiting visiting Will's family in Wales, a few summers ago, his cousins opened a bit of their hedge to show me a little baby hedgehog curled up sleeping. Not only was I just ooohing and awwwing over the adorable baby, but I was also thinking, "Wow, hedgehogs really live in hedges. What an appropriate name."

If you haven't seen a baby hedgehog, I suggest you hop on a plane, fly to the UK and peek into every country hedge you see until you find one. It will be worth it, I assure you.


Anonymous said...

I like yours too- so very adorable- Love him!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Yours is very cute! :-) melanie

Carry Grace said...


sweetpicklespottery said...

I like yours too!

Lavinia said...

I wish I *could* hop a plane to see a baby hedgehog in a hedge!

I was intrigued by the name of your blog...I think its a fabulous name!

I am a new visitor to your site...and may I say your children are quite elegantly named too.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous little guy. I love hedgehogs, they have such character in their faces!

Rosebud Collection said...

What a cute hedgehog..You did a wonderful job..Can't wait to get my pictures..they will have a place of honor in our home..

bellaandboo said...

This is such a cute hedgehog, I haven't seen a real one for years, but plenty of snails!

Giulia Mauri said...

Love this painting, would look very nice in my studio...
thank you so much for your comment and your visit!


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