Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Annelie's New Room

I meant to blog Annelie's bedroom of choice when we first moved into our new place three weeks ago, but you know how unpacking and settling takes over all dreams of blogging, crafting, and creating.

Here is 16 month old Annelie, all cozy and ready to take her nap in her new bed. Kids are such characters, aren't they? In the real world of our apartment and bedroom situation, Annelie has been bunking with me. We had the bright idea of getting rid of her crib, as it has been looking worse for wear since she began teething and bit all the wood. Not to mention that she is a climber and had figured out how to swing her leg over the side... a disaster waiting to happen. But what we didn't anticipate was a 16 month old waking up at 3 am (every single night without fail) and running all around the house.

And she just does not want me to get any sleep! I'll tuck her up in bed with me and she will crawl all over my head and do her fabulous fake sneezes in my face to keep me from going back to sleep. Nothing quite like a pint-sized hellion to keep me busy morning, noon and night!

After going three weeks on practically no sleep... I'm considering letting her have her own room in the bathroom, just as she picked out when we first moved in.


luv4sams (Lisa) said...

OMG how cute - she could have her owl pool too if you took the lid off!

Anonymous said...

Oh no- that is too cute! Mine is a climber so i know how you feel there- it is scary to watch some of the things they do.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I absolutely love this picture. SO funny! :-) melanie

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! What a cutie! That's a photo to keep in the books! ;)

idyll hands said...

Hah - there were nights in college when I thought my roommate sleeping in the bathroom would have been a good idea.

Aside from that thought, this picture is adorable!

Patrizia said...

That photo is wonderful and she is adorable.

I hope you get some sleep soon!

Bee Designs said...

Soooo cute!

Denise Felton said...

Too cute! Go ahead and let her have the bathroom. She's take it when she's 13, anyway. :)

Carry Grace said...

That is hysterical!

Sandra Evertson said...

That photo is Adorable! And just Love all the new illustrations, especially the Mushroom house!
Sandra Evertson

Fifi Flowers said...


Cathy said...

I absolutely adore that photo!! how cute!!

I totally relate to the waking in the middle of the night and the running around like it's party time (them not me lol) and the climbing all over me - I swear our kids are peas in a pod!

Rosebud Collection said...

She is so adorable..Very hard when they find a way out of the crib..
Received my lovely pictures yesterday..did a blog on them..I am so sorry the photos didn't do them justice..I am a lousy photographer..

Anne said...

It's not a toilet - it's a bunkbed!!! Your post reminds me of a story a friend of mine tells. She and her husband had recently had to downsize to a 1-bedroom apartment due to the previous apartment burning. His son had come to stay for the summer and the living room doubled as his bedroom. They were all watching a movie in the living room/guest bedroom when the child started acting out. Now they were in a quandry. They couldn't very well send him to his room, as that was where the movie was playing. They also didn't want to send him to their bedroom because that would probably be a treat for him to rummage through their stuff. So... without prior planning but in complete unison they say, "Devin, go to the bathroom!" and the child proceeded to have a time out sitting on the potty. As soon as he left the room, they laughed so hard they cried.

Oh Mandie said...

Hey and pillow and a blankie and shes all set in her new submarine bed - and she can even be a princess on her very own throne!

that picture is priceless!!!

::::Lula Boutique:::: said...

I must say that I love your blog and always enjoy reading your posts. You're a very talented writer! :)

Junque Rethunque said...

When she is getting ready to graduate from high school this exact picture should be submitted to the editor of the yearbook for a "congrats" ad.

Marie said...

Oh, that's too funny! She is such a character-sounds a lot like my Maddie!

Novita said...

OMG...She is so cute....Marissa you are so lucky having 2 of the cutest baby in the world

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