Monday, March 9, 2009

The Sound of Music

The hills - and my apartment - are alive with the sound of music, today.

Gracie shares my love for musical theatre (hurray, I'm definitely doing something right as a parent!) and I couldn't be happier on the days when she decides to ditch her Strawberry Shortcake movie for a musical gem like The Sound of Music during Annelie's naptime.

Will spent part of his childhood living in Austria, so Gracie has a connection with the little Austrian singing nun and her gaggle of singing Austrian children, as she points out all of the places that she knows her dad lived and visited when he was a little boy.

While I wasn't fortunate enough to spend my youth playing amongst the edelweiss and sporting lederhosen, as I'm sure my husband did as a kid, I did get to belt out my favorite things, just like Gracie and Annelie are able to do now. I love being able to share a timeless classic with my kids.

If you have kids, and they haven't seen the Sound of Music yet, I urge you to RUN OUT AND GET IT! And if you don't have kids... well you can still run out and get it, because its just the perfect movie for everyone of all ages, don't you think?

And in the meantime, you can warm up on this lovely YouTube video, which is Gracie's favorite:



April said...

Ooooooo, love that movie! Wonder if my hoodlums would sit through that???

Oh Mandie said...

Oh I love the Sound of Music! Actually I'm a HUGE musical girl and took voice lessons as a kid and did musicals, but thats another story for another day :)

Anyways, I make my kiddos watch all sorts of musicals, although as boys they are less than enthused by them. Try Guys and Dolls next, my kiddos like that one!

"Doe a deer, a female deer
Ray a drop of golden sun"
Now I'll be singing that for the rest of the night!

Karen Faulkner said...

We own this DVD and I like to watch it with my kids, too!

Winklepots said...

Cute video. I love that movie too. I have not shown it yet to my kids. I'll have to try it once they get over their Kunfu Panda obsession.

AnniKae said...

It's a classic! I'll have to watch it again one of these days. Thanks for the suggestion.

Marie said...

I love that movie...Isabella hasn't seen it yet, might be a good time to put it on for her to watch. Still waiting for your paper goodies shop to open up!

esque said...

Can you believe I've never seen that movie? Heard of it, yes, but never actually seen! Best to rent it from Blockbuster asap!

Anonymous said...

Oh, THANK YOU! I enjoyed this on so many levels:

I saw this movie as a child when it was in the theaters, and that puppet sequence has always been my favorite part of the film.

I enjoyed seeing all my favorite muppet characters being their silliest best,

and to see Julie Andrews and hear her singing before her surgery took away that wonderful upper register of her gorgeous soprano. Sublime...

This really took me away for a few minutes. I loved it.


Anne said...

Another friend of mine was just telling me yesterday about how much her children love The Sound of Music. Seems like the universe is telling me something...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the sound of music! Such a wonderful story!

Doe a deer, a female deer.... ;)

Anonymous said...

Well I've got to admit that I have never seen the Sound of Music!

Hehe, at the tender age of 26 do you think I can ask my mom to sit down and watch it with me? That would be kinda cool. :)

Alyssa S. said...

My SweetPea fell in love with that movie a year ago. For 3 months we were required to watch it every day after she woke and every night before she went to bed. She put it on the back burner for about a year, until recently when I found the CD in my car. She got stuck on The Lonely Goatheard and I got to hear "lady o de lady oh de LAY hee HOO" over and over and over...until out of desperation my hubby put in The Phantom of the Opera movie soundtrack. Welcome her new favorite. Now we sing "Think of Me" together..oh and she's 3 by the way :)

Cathy said...

oh I must have watched this movie a thousand times - I should get a copy for the boys - I'm sure they would love it too! not sure about the scary bits though...where they are running from the authorities near the end...

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